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Everything posted by Baldricx

  1. Are you guys still having this problem? I could actually play pretty well on a low populated server running version 95883, but when we upgraded to 96061 everything was back to the normal pain in the ass..not to speak of all the tent/vehicle save bugs and graphical artifacts... Are you using any VOIP programs such as Ventrilo or Mumble? It seems that often when I talk with my friends on Mumble (used Ventrilo earlier) I lose my debug monitor, i.e. lose connection with hive...anyone knows what could cause this?
  2. Baldricx


    Six Launcher had older versions of both beta patch and DayZ a couple of days ago ( and still does apparently). If you updated using Six Launcher you actually downgraded/rolled back your patch versions. DayZ Commander always gives you the latest patches, and now also gives you the option to install an earlier patch if things don't work properly. So yeah...I'd recommend you only use DayZ Commander.
  3. Baldricx

    Desync to Hive?

    Is it something similar to this? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28722-debug-monitor-disappearing-randomly-while-playing/
  4. Baldricx

    Side Chat

    Reading your comments I immediately thought of the SANLA device used in the Finnish army. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanomalaite_M/90 This would be a perfect item to find in military loot spots, and, IMHO, suits the atmosphere of DayZ. When you turn it on you can send and receive global text messages, and maybe change frequencies to avoid other people listening to your conversation...until they find your frequency! What do you think? Have you encountered other similar devices that would be suitable in Chernarus?
  5. I have had this same problem for a while now and getting pretty tired of it. The Debug Monitor fades away sometimes at completely random times when I just walk around, but most of the times it happens when I loot. Especially vehicles and tents seems to trigger this. All other parts of the GUI are still there, except that the food/water/blood/hearing/visual monitors are not functioning any more. The debug monitor reappears after ~30 minutes with varying consequences: In earlier beta patches (up to 95054) I would get teleported back to the same spot where the monitor disappeared, with no gear lost. Funnily enough, in patch 95208 everything seemed to be working fine. I played a whole day without any problems. From patch 95248 and up I don't get teleported anymore. If I'm lucky, the monitor kindly returns and I can eat again. But in cases when I loot and transfer a large amount of stuff during the time when the monitor is gone, I get a crash to desktop (CTD) with the following error: "too many virtual memory blocks requested". When logging back in I spawn at the same location where I crashed, but with the gear I had long ago when the monitor disappeared. A quick workaround to the problem is to log out and log in back again. However, this also has consequences: Sometimes my recent loot (~2-10 min) is not registered, and I lose everything I have picked up If I go into chock when the monitor is gone, the chock state will be there until I log out. This results in 5 min consciousnesses every time I log in, and the only way to get rid of this is for my character to die and respawn. Other problems occuring when the monitor is gone, adding to the previous list of problems: Can't refuel vehicles Can't save vehicles Can't pick up vehicle parts or jerry cans Can't equip clothing/suits. When trying to equip camo suites, civilian clothing is duped but the clothing is not changed. After a few seconds I'm beeing teleported to debug plains, and after relog I spawn with all my gear on the coast. As I have admin rights to our server (Vilayer) I have checked the web console log and found that my character is not updated during the whole time the monitor is gone. I can't really say what causes this, but I have reinstalled everything client side, and tested with different networks with no luck.