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Everything posted by HazyMoon

  1. For one, this "game" is only a portion of a game. This is a mod. Second, this mod is currently in Alpha testing. This means that the Dayz team is more concerned about fixing bugs that make/break this mod. Having the ability to find toolkits isn't a game breaking mechanic. Farm an industrial area and you'll find said toolkit in no time. Third, you're right. Zombies shouldn't be able to see you regardless how close you crawl to them. This mod is to hard. </sarcasm> Oh, did you read the sentence about this is Alpha testing? Seeing how this is a mechanic rather than a bug, I don't see much getting tweaked any time soon. Not to mention it's pretty damn easy to move around any city (which are full of zombies) without being noticed. Maybe they'll tuck your concerns away in a nice little "who gives a fuck" box which will be looked at when Alpha testing is over and the game breaking bugs (majority anyways) are fixed. Until then, enjoy the free mod this team is busting their ass on so nerdy ass gamers can enjoy something instead of going out to a bar and finding a drunk straggler to play the rape game with. <insert Google's top 10 comeback here>
  2. HazyMoon

    Why this mod is failing

    You die so you complain. Hmmm... sounds like you need to play Skyrim or something. At least change your profile name to "Trammy" or something along the lines. A lot of people seem to like this game even with the PvP aspect and all. Would I go out of my way to kill someone? Yes, because trust no one you don't know. This is something you learn as a child. "Don't talk to strangers." Thanks mom! She shaped me for gaming ever since I was 3.
  3. HazyMoon

    Why this mod is failing

    And he wanted an intelligent response from everyone lol. He has to be a bit more on the intelligent side of logic before he can ask for such blasphemy.
  4. HazyMoon

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP1

    By all that is holy, this is awesome haha. Glad to see people can still find their own way to have fun. I mean, this is a sandbox game and all.
  5. HazyMoon

    Why this mod is failing

    Now that I actually went back and read your whole post, do you even understand what Alpha testing means? All of the content isn't supposed to be included in Alpha; only certain aspects of the game to make sure mechanics function properly when everything is thrown in together. In order to make sure they work, you need testers. We are the testers. I'm sorry but you can either keep complaining about the lack of content in a mod that is currently in Alpha testing, or suck it up, play it and be happy. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/20011659.jpg
  6. HazyMoon

    Why this mod is failing

    Aren't you that guy I shot in the dome last night? Serious note - I remember reading somewhere that this game is tuned around the PvP aspect which caters to bandits. I'll admit I started this game as a survival game and yes, bandits pissed me off and I hated them because it seemed I could never escape. However, I learned not to run right to Elektro or Cherno when I spawned; Instead, I ran north to gather gear where I wasn't bothered by anyone, let alone bandits. Once I got my friends to group up with me, we geared up with some of the best gear and decided to wreck havoc on any player we found. **Insert <you didn't read my lack of content sentence> here** Make sure you pay attention to this next part. It'll throw you right back into your dad's vagina. I do remember reading a post from Rocket explaining that he would rather fix bugs first and foremost rather than add new content. Well I had more to say but I pretty much just proved my point and had a fine rebuttal to your post. Good day to you ma'am.
  7. HazyMoon

    Worst Game Experience ever

    "Oh no, I found a server with a long load time and this game is hard. By default, this game is the poster child of failure and will never exceed expectations of any gamer!" No wonder this mod has over 800k players at the alpha stage in testing.
  8. HazyMoon

    Worst Game Experience ever

    I have to agree. Whenever I find one chasing me, I use the 5 D's (Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge) around a bush or two and by some sort of witchcraft, the zombies stop chasing me.
  9. HazyMoon

    Project Freedom: Recruiting

    I don't know if we could use it for sure. One of the things I was wanting to discuss.
  10. HazyMoon

    Project Freedom: Recruiting

    Age (Be Honest): 25 In Game Name: Hazy Moon Country/Timezone:United States - EST Are You Active?: No not at all. :P Of course I'm active. I've been playing just about every day since I installed it two weeks ago. Experience In Dayz: ~2 weeks Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I've played a vast amount of games ranging from end game MMO's to organized, structured squads to CoD and Battlefield; so to answer your question, yes. I've even led scout/recon teams in various games. Steam: hazy_moon80 Instead of Skype, I'd rather invite you into my mumble to a chat or what not. PMing you the details for that.
  11. HazyMoon

    This is NOT a zombie game...

  12. HazyMoon

    This is NOT a zombie game...

    Seeing how Zombies aren't real (unless you take bath salts), people are allowed to have their own interpretation on how zombies react/move/etc. You need to have an open mind as zombies are only labelled as "undead". Nothing details characteristics from anywhere I've seen. Even movies, TV shows, games, all have their on version of zombies. Hell, Dead Island had fast moving zombies as did Zombieland. You can try at a rebuttal but I doubt you'll succeed.
  13. I don't always shoot zombies, but when I do, a bandit picks me off. Will indeed check out the server/community.
  14. IRL Information Name: Tony Age: 25 Location: United States (Ohio) Timezone: EST Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: Yes, I meet all of the requirements. Game Information IGN: Hazy Moon Steam ID (if applicable): hazy_moon80 Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Whatever is needed; however, I do prefer any type of scout/recon (can include sniper/spotter/infantry as needed). Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): I started playing this mod due to the sheer survival that it brings, which I became interested from watching The Walking Dead and other movies/shows that simulate similar scenarios. Once I started playing, as a Game Designer, ideas started flowing - one being a player ran city. Then I came across GMS on the forums. Put 2 and 2 together, it's just what I pictured. That and my first 3-4 hours in-game I died to mostly bandits and I would like more of a realistic situation in terms of everyone coming together to survive instead of every man for themselves. This game has an unlimited amount of potential and I believe GMS is the closest thing to tapping into it player wise. What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I have an indefinite kitchen slave who can make everyone cookies (taking a gamble hoping there is some sarcastic-ish sense of humor). Jokes aside, throughout my gaming career I've led and been part of countless number of "death squads", recon groups, solo/group scouting, item scavenging/hunting (treasure hunting as a buddy once called it) and a keen eye.