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About thesneakyrat

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    On the Coast
  1. thesneakyrat

    Spawn Surpressors?

    One way this would be done is by first taking the time to create the new items and model/ Create how they should look in the inventory. Then you would have to pick up a gun that supported them( ak74 + cobra site) Then you would have to program a option to the gun like add attachments ( for guns like the m4 cco sd you would need both cco site and suppressor) then have a script to remove the item from your player and then spawn in the gun that has the attachments you just added. In my opinion I do not see this happening ever it isn't even realistic due to the fact that in real life its not as simple as just putting a suppressor on a gun , sure some modern military guns are designed to have bolt on suppressors and such but lets be real here most guns need serious mods done to them to make attachments actually fit on the gun.
  2. I have played with these guys for about a year in many games and no matter what we are doing its a blast make sure to check us out.