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Sheldon (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Sheldon (DayZ)

  1. Sheldon (DayZ)

    I just want help

    smasht_AU is an absolute bro _BELIEVE THIS_
  2. Sheldon (DayZ)

    G36_C found on player.

    I personally am all for the banning of the spawners, but it's a little too much of a murky water to ban people that have a hacked gun. If someone killed the hacker, took the gun etc. and didn't know it was banned they'd be in a pickle! Never the less, awesome that you're scanning your logs and picking these guys up!
  3. So, I was playing just fine and closed Arma 2 for a moment. Six Launcher then said an update was out and I hit the update button, there hasn't been any news on it so I was just wondering what was going on. I've tried to downgrade both the ARMA 2 beta patches and replace the DayZ .pbo files in my Steam folder and still, nothing is happening. The same thing just happened to a clanmate at the same time it happened to me. Is this normal, and how long does it generally take to be able to play again? I've tried using Arma 2 Launcher aswell to no success.
  4. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Six Launcher Updated - Now Nothing Works

    Same thing happens to me. "Wait for host".
  5. A popular Youtube commentator has recently posted a video of him purposefully cheating in the game to gain more DMR/M1911 mags. His username (Jordie Jordan) is visible and he clearly seems to understand that he's breaking the rules as witnessed by the comments. He also acknowledges it's a glitch at the end of the video. Video:
  6. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Posting his video - WingsofRedemption

    No need to flame TheKnightFire (punny, right?) I just see this as a glitch that is willingly being abused and since this topic didn't concern you... You don't need to post your unwarranted opinion.
  7. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Day z clans [AUSTRALIAN ONLY]

    As an Aussie looking for a group to play with these guys were great! I've only been on their TS for a day but we've already made some good ground and it's a very easy community to just jump into. The teamspeak has changed however and is now ts36.gameservers.com:9324
  8. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Dying with 12k blood?

    I just randomly fell dead, didn't hear a shot and didn't have flashing food or water. Was I just shot in the back once or did something else happen? Anyone with any ideas?
  9. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Dying with 12k blood?

    I was proned inside a building, must have just been a bug.
  10. Just a quick question, running solo how long does it generally take to make it from Chernogorsk to Stary Sobor? I've never done it before and need to make some time for the journey!
  11. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Average run time Cherno - Stary Sobor

    What kind of loot can one expect from an average Stary run? Seeming pretty good to try out tomorrow!
  12. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Average run time Cherno - Stary Sobor

    Sounds good to me! Thanks for the speedy response guys. @jajunior As far as I understand it yields far higher tier (military-grade) equipment at a larger risk, too. No risk, no reward!
  13. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Average run time Cherno - Stary Sobor

    15-20 Hours we're looking at?
  14. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Voice comms are supported in-game, right?

    It is supported, you can check it out in the controls menu after hitting ESC. I'm not sure if direct communication is still working, I've had it work sometimes and other times people have said it hasn't. Otherwise, global communication etc. is supported but frowned upon using since it disrupts all players.
  15. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Aussie Bandits

    Hey guys, wondering if there's many Aussie bandits that play at around 12 - 11 PM AEST. I play with 2 guys on Skype, we've been mates for ages and are looking for more to play with and patrol cities. We don't have an overly serious outlook and are more out for the fun. Anybody like to join in the fun? Add me on Steam - Cryoquake or Skype - donneh852
  16. Does anyone have a rough location of these areas? As someone who's only been playing for close to a week and filling water bottles at the ocean, I have NO idea! Would anyone be able to help with this? Thanks. EDIT: Found it on the map! http://teamfackin.com/moocow/dayz/map/
  17. Sheldon (DayZ)

    [Disregard thread] Location of ponds/water pumps/wells

    Is that the hospital to the north or the south?
  18. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Picking up a bag

    Hey guys, I accidentally dropped my Coyote pack and now can't get it back up. When I press G with it highlighted it just shows up the top of my inventor Coyote Pack and then some numbers in brackets. It doesn't give me an option to fill my empty space. Any ideas!?
  19. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Picking up a bag

    Ah grand, thanks!
  20. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Using flares?

    I've checked multiple guides and tutorials on how to use flares and chemlights but there doesn't seem to be anything listing the default key and a simple way of doing so. Would anybody be able to give me a quick rundown on how to do so? Thanks. (New player!)
  21. Sheldon (DayZ)

    Using flares?

    Thank you very much guys!