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Everything posted by Martin69

  1. Martin69

    Me Drinking a mountain dew

    So i was looting the airfield with a buddy and got thirsty,this ensued. DUN HATEEE
  2. Martin69


    i have made a thread about the same server,me and 2 other friends got banned and 3 guys called Heaven were in the server,anyone that would connect would dissapear from the player list in seconds,clearly abusers,i actually got permabanned from there.
  3. Server Name:Lu271 (Your) Timezone: UTC+2:00 Date/Time:9.08.2012 Server Administrator('s):[Heaven] Judas;[Heaven] Jesus;[Heaven] Allah (yes these are their actual names lol) What happened:me and my friend were walking around to find a safe place so our friend can meet us when suddenly me and one of my friends got banned and the third one kicked,third friend then rejoined and also got banned,ever since anyone that has joined has dissapeared within seconds and only those 3 players are online that are mentioned on server administrators. Evidence/Proof:attachment.
  4. Martin69

    LU271 Random bans.

  5. Martin69

    LU271 Random bans.

  6. So yeah as you can read from the title i had no idea where to put this,i copied this from the patch thread where nobody prolly even read it,it contains a few bugs ive noticed and my opinion on some of the patch features,also a few suggestions.
  7. Martin69

    I had no idea where to put this.

    nobody else got any comments?
  8. Martin69

    found a big camp on uk41

    can you specify the coordinates on http://dayzdb.com/map ?
  9. Martin69

    I had no idea where to put this.

    well it contains bugs,suggestions and general discussion so i thought i'd just pop it in here
  10. I actually logged in at cherno inside an apartment i logged out in from last night-server had less than 10 players and what are the odds of when i spawned i heard movement,i look up and i get a bullet to the face by a girl?
  11. Martin69

    Pending Update: Build

    Only thing i dont like abit is the logout system thats gonna be implented,for example what if im server hopping because a server simply doesnt load? And by that i mean is sometimes it gets stuck at loading or something else and simply doesnt move for like 5 minutes and more. What if a server is night and i had no way of knowing that? There needs to be some kind of advanced mechanic to detect behaviour that is actually intended to get out of a firefight or lose zed aggro. Oh and what's up with the zombies coming at me through doors or simply spawning somewhere for a second and hitting me so I start bleeding for example in castles? Also sometimes when i have to start again I simply dont find any guns at all,I've camped elektro by going back and forth to the farm and firestation so I can get a gun,because everyone are hostile and I can't run at them with an axe and you cant use your legs or fists to fight. I actually fell out of the Elektro fire station tower once while going downstairs,so thats a bug,I fell to the nearby roof and broke my legs,there's also a feature where you can slide down a ladder,where if you use it you fall and break your legs,that feature should either be removed or it should atleast be so your character does it like people do it in real life by allowing themselves to slide down fast but while gripping the ladder on the sides,because at the moment they simply let go and just let the game decide whether or not you should break your legs and cry. And at the Elektro fire station tower you can use the ladder on the outer side from inside and go through the wall to escape someone for example. I'm pretty sure its not only in Elektro so that needs to be checked out. One final thing,ive heard people shut down their servers when they get killed,what's up with that?