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About Malkuno

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    On the Coast

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  1. Malkuno

    Have you ever been held up?

    There have only been 2 times that I've ever been told to drop my weapons & both were on Private Hives, anytime I'm on a public server I've been KoS'd (despite being a hero).. The first time I was told to drop my weapons & show myself was when I was giving away a new spawn UAZ near Blacklake on the "Chosen Guild Dayz Server" the server was being shutdown the very next day & is going to be back up when the Standalone is released. The second time I was told to drop my weapons was just a few days ago on the Balota Buddies US46 Whitelisted Server while I was raiding the Berezino Hospital for medical supplies with 2 friends & it ended in my entire squads death, let me explain this one because it was my own fault & the guy who told me to drop my weapons had no intention of shooting me but due to my sound setup at the time I couldn't hear him clearly & he was sporting the same skin/weapon as one of my friends was so I approched him casually & when I noticed he wasn't with me I sprinted away & alerted my friends that we weren't alone saying "Player, player, player!".. During my sprint away from him I heard a very faint "Drop your weapons" his voice was faint because of my sound settings, apparently ARMA II's VOIP was set to come out of my computers speakers & I was wearing my full over-ear headphones. So by the time my brain had calculated what he said in his barely audible muffled voice I was already full sprint away & he opened fire. At which point one of my friends had located another player who was with the guy who had shot me & he killed him. Anyway after the misunderstood firefight they picked us up & let us get our gear back: at which point the 5 of us went to raid the NE airfield, afterwards both of our squads went seperate ways.
  2. Malkuno

    Would DayZ exist without The Walking Dead?

    I'am pretty certain that the concept of zombism existed long before the Hollywood Movie industry even came into existence, much less kicked it off as horror-entertainment. I personally was first introduced to zombism at age 8 with the Scooby Doo movie "Scooby Doo on Zombie Island (1998)" Which was 5 years before the original The Walking Dead comics came to exist.
  3. Malkuno

    Something to be aware of

    This is interesting & it makes me want to be an DayZ admin, not because I'd be someone who would abuse this, but simply because about 50% of the private hives that I've played on the admins were geared to the teeth & didn't seem to need to worry about ammunition. (Spamming ammunition) I'm currently hosting a few servers for other games & have never abused my power as an administrator. So keeping something like this out of an irresponsible admin's hands on a server that i play on would be my top priority. "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." -Abraham Lincoln
  4. Hey there! My name is Malkuno, I recently picked DayZ back up after about a month of downtime. Out of curiosity I wanted to know what had changed since I last played. After a bit of reading of the changelog on the dayzwiki, I had noticed the devs had implemented bandit/hero skins. So now in my pursuit of the Hero Skin, I have become a medic & I am now looking for a group of accident prone individuals, this way I can take the quickest path to getting the Hero Skin.. So if you like getting scrapes, cuts & bruises just as much as I like healing them, then add me on steam.. NORMAL SERVER: US 2920 STEAM: Malkuno GAME ID: Malkuno
  5. I'm also experiencing this issue.. I got to play 1 time & now I can't play any longer.. My Player ID: -SNIP-