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Everything posted by 8bitplaya

  1. Sorry I can't post that information, because I don't know it. In fact until about 5 minutes ago I wasn't aware you could do it at all. Now thanks to a fancy post in the CZ thread I know you can, just not how! So, if any of you bandit vets out there feel chatty a quick tutorial on the matter would be really useful. Please include any information on how to shoot down or up hill as well! Also, if any of you vets wanna share your knowledge on areas/cities/roads away from the zerg that are high traffic, or that players with better kit traffic more often that would be useful too. I found one military base in Stary, but so far thats it. Lastly, I will be happy to add a list of locations that spawn better loot, if you feel like sharing. Let's get some real knowledge in here, as this thread grows I'll go through it and add it to this first post. Thanks in advance. (reserved) just in case.
  2. 8bitplaya

    Dallas 40 - Admin Abuse

    This kinda thing is becoming all too common. It's sad, but unless the individual wronged has the proper means available to document a situation they have no idea is coming, then it seems the battle is lost. Combine that with the fact that not every player wants to take the time to combat this sort of thing, that every player may not be savvy enough to know that they have been cheated, or that every player may not even know these forums exist, and you can see how most of the times abuse like this won't even be reported, much less documented. It's funny how everytime I've run into a "server crash" it's when I'm taking on a group of players, usually with clan tags, at the nw airfield. Even if I'm not directly involved in the "server crash" it always seems that some drama ends up going on in chat between parties after the "accidents". I've been kicked by admins for killing clan members, I've had my position announced by a hacking player in chat, that warned an admin of my wereabouts, after the admin announced his position and asked "not to get shot" and the admin defended him along with most of the players on the server, until another player who recognized the player who was hacking as having been banned previously (from the game), backed me up. This is just one example of a known cheater and a server admin who are obviously cheating. How many other players can see my characters location, who aren't morons, and who know how to not make this kinda thing obvious? I've been carefully hidden in bushes with ghillie suits practically in the middle of nowhere and have had players just run up to me and shoot me. This game is quickly going to the birds.
  3. 8bitplaya

    Awesome load out I picked off people

    There are no infrared weapon sights in the game, that is most likely a hacked weapon, be careful.
  4. 8bitplaya

    CZ550 vs. DMR vs. M24 vs. M107

    http://wolverine.cameron.edu/~ac113448/ARMA2/ARMA2WeaponRangingAndCorrectionGuide.pdf This is a good guide on how to use mil dots AND the russian sight on the SVD. The m107 is easily the best sniper, but the dmr is much easier to find and once you get the hang of simple mildots on the dmr, its great. To those of you that don't know about zeroing, lets say you have a target thats exactly at 900 m... You'll need to see a guide on how to judge distance without a range finder, or use a range finder. Once you can do this you just Zero your weapon from 500 m (default) to 900 m and then you have 0 bullet drop. You put the crosshairs on a 900 m target and then go collect your loot. It's accurate up to 1200 m so sound isn't really an issue if you know how to pick your spots. I really like the swag of the SVD but the magnification really hurts the overall balance of the gun to me. It's accurate up to 1000 m, but the limited magnification means the arrows you use to target are often bigger than your target, making accuracy hard to judge. Does anybody know how to use mildots to hit a running target? I'm having a hard time hitting consistently without waiting for them to stop or crawl.
  5. Yesterday I died, I was in a bad situation and made terrible decisions and died, but that is not the point, only the catalyst. I logged on this morning and went about my work. I collected my tools, my map, my compass etc, an AK-74, and one frag grenade. I left Cherno and ran my ass straight to the SW Barracks at the NW airfield. It was like destiny, as soon as I arrive I tear open the door and side step to avoid camper fire and what do I see, A survivor! He ducks in the first door after the shower, he knew I was there. Using 3rd person mode I take anther peak and all I can see is the camo silencer of an M4A1 CCO SD poking out of the shower doorway... There were two of them and they were geared! I stood there thinking about my options, realizing that they were just waiting for me to come in so they could end my life with their fancy silenced weapons. I press F and choose a frag grenade... I killed them both. They had two M4A1 CCO SD rifles, two 24 slot coyote rucks, all the tools you could ever weant, one 240 bravo with 100 rounds, and about 14 clips of STANAG SD... The looting was feverish, I knew I was going to die at any moment, somebody was going to sneak up on me and ruin the moment, I knew, but it never happened... I left, laid down, and then quit the server... I logged back in, and I was on the beach, with the starter gear, as if the whole thing never happened. Because of the patch, the server will not save my character. So bitter... and the thought is made moreso when I consider that those two guys may have died and logged back in with everything they had before I frag'd them both. *sigh* :dodgy: Alpha RE: Hope is the beginning of disapointment (Today 10:52 PM)Dallas Wrote: Why you quit the server like a chicken, when you just had gotten all that imba gear is beyond me. I didn't just quit, I LEFT, when I got where I was going I LAID DOWN, then aborted, went and to go get breakfast, smoked a cigarette, logged back in, and wasn't saved. Thanks for your retarded comment though
  6. 8bitplaya

    Hope is the beginning of disapointment

    When I got my first GPS I died because I had got clipped by a zombie but didn't notice the blood loss. I was playing in 3rd person mode, at one point I stop to zoom in and scan an area and I was shaking, so I tried to use painkillers but there was no option. I was like, wtf? I look over at my blood meter and its flashing red, OH SHIT, so I start to bandage and look up at my blood and its at 40 :( I had some other good loot too, I wonder who found that body.
  7. 8bitplaya

    Hope is the beginning of disapointment

    Oh I'm cool man, this mod is so much fun that after the initial sting, regearing and heading off to start over is cool. Besides it doesn't really take that long to get half decent gear again, and you learn from your mistakes. It stung cause I have been looking for those weapons since I started playing, I really wanted to give the silenced weapons a go BUT No glitch can take that frag kill away from me :D
  8. Did you even read the post? There is no bandit. The entire game is what you make it.
  9. 8bitplaya

    Don't save after 1.5.4

    Mine is the best, I spawned new, got all my gear, ran to the NW airfield, saw two guys in the barracks, they knew I was outside, and were waiting in the shower for me to enter.... I threw a frag and killed them both. They both had 24 slot coyotes, one had an M 249 with ammo, they both had M4 CCO SD with more STANAG SD AMMO than I could ever use, plus food and tools. It was the best moment in the game ever, I had everything I ever wanted. Logged out came back in, on the beach... ON THE BEACH! WITH NOTHING!
  10. 8bitplaya

    IF this was an actual game...

    Planetside 2 is going to be F2P, just saying.
  11. No' date=' it's not, because it's a game. It will always have certain limitations that keep it from being completely realistic, and it's not unreasonable to have certain features in place that counterbalance these limitations. The bandit system was far from perfect, but it was better to have [i']something like it rather than have zero incentive to not wantonly murder, because that's not realistic either. You couldn't quote that line in context? THIS is a REALISTIC mod, REALISM is what the developers are going for here. TO ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND This mod is supposed to represent the zombie apocalypse, that is its whole function. In the zombie apocalypse if you come across and armed civilian in the middle of the woods or the city, while you are carrying precious, valuable items that you had to work HARD to get, are you just going to strike up a conversation? Are you going to be concerned that you might not be able to trust him? If you do take that chance, you will AND SHOULD be KEENLY aware that you are risking not only your goods, but your LIFE. If this person you meet decides to lie to you, is his outfit going to change? Maybe his nose will grow? If he does kill you, and leaves and meets another person, and that person asks his name, do you think he will use the same name? Maybe he wants to be a famous bandit, maybe not. Do you think he will dress like something you will be afraid of? Or maybe he will where something that is scary because he doesn't care. The point it it is HIS choice. Your choice is whether or not to trust him. If you do and you die, that is YOUR fault. You need to be able to live with the consequences. One of those consequences as that alliances that are made during harsh times that withstand the preasure, are all the more valuable because of it. On my current character I have about 16 hours now. I have two rifles of choice with ample ammo, a rare cyote ruck with 24 slots, more cooked meat than I could eat in a week, plenty of medicine, and all the neccesary tools including the rarer e-tool and tool box. If you think I'm going to go QUAKE on anybody at this point in the game you must be OUT YO DAMN MIND. I'm playing super careful, if I get attacked I haul ass, I don't fight back, if I even get attacked because I run as soon as I hear shoots fired HALF A CITY AWAY. You get one rare item and you won't even think about playing like a COASTAL NOOB, which I'm sure you are, because you played up north you'd realized that bandit skins are completly irrelevant there, BECAUSE NOBODY TRUSTS ANYBODY when you have that kind of loot on the line. GG
  12. I'm glad this is changing for a few reasons. 1. Everything I heard about this mod led me to believe it was ALL about realism, tension, and struggle. That is what attracted me to this MOD, and this decision is in line with that. 2. There are many different kinds of players in this world, but on Asherons Call's Darktide server there were only two kinds, carebears and players. There were no hardcore players, because everybody in the game was hardcore, BECAUSE the game was hardcore. Darktide rarely ever changed, and when it did it wasn't because of what the whining people who "didn't get it" wanted. This change is makes me happy because it shows the MOD team has a good compass for this sort of thing. 3. Player skins... *humps rockets leg* Back in my Darktide days there were some dynamics to game that I have never seen repeated in any game after, much to my sorrow (UNTIL NOW!) On Darktide there were only towns, they were very much like the towns in this game only free of zombies. These towns were primarly used as a gathering point for like minded individuals (anti and pk clans, noobs, etc) and were more or less just used to sell loot. These towns whether they were pk or anti pk (the awesome minority) were defended by THE PLAYERS. No town gaurds, no BS, life and death was always in the players hands. I loved this mechanic and always look back on it fondly. For its time the world of Asherons Call was huge and open, and it would take large amounts of time to get from one place to another, usually combat would take place around towns, but not always. There was always a chance, in that huge world, that you would chance across another player. This was my favorite moment. The adrenline rush you get, as your shaky hands type out the word "PEACE" while trying to click on the guy so you can assess his name and guild tag. If the "PEACE" call was returned, both players would skirt about each other and go on their way, if not, there was a fight, and you prayed they weren't higher level and better geared. This game has that. I have waited YEARS to have this back. Please keep that in mind as you continue to create your amazing mod. TLDR: People who lie to you and kill you are realistic, this is a realistic mod, you should allow this mod to change YOU, not the other way around. Thanks Rocket I love you. - A former Darktide player.