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About bradley1508

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bradley1508

    need help

    you know that lil box that shows how much blood/humanity/and your temp and etc how do i get that i was playing with it last week i log on today and it was gone so i dont know how much blood i have exactly so i gotta geuss when its around full and its really annoying some1 plz help
  2. bradley1508

    2 ppl 1 char

    i have uninstalled it and installed it twice now idk y but every time i install it gives me the same keys as last time
  3. bradley1508

    2 ppl 1 char

    we both have bought arma II on different steam acc's and if it is run off the ip address then i geuss i just wasted money on buying this game
  4. bradley1508

    2 ppl 1 char

    is there a way to change so we dont have the same KEY or is it not fixable?
  5. bradley1508

    2 ppl 1 char

    im trying to say that instead of me having a char and my brother having his own char we dont for some reason we both share one char when we both bought the game on diff steam acc's
  6. bradley1508

    2 ppl 1 char

    me and my brother both have different laptops and steam acc's and we both bought the game yet when i started i didn't start with a new char i started with his with his guns and armor and everything but when i died and he got on with his laptop and went in-game it showed that he died and had all the items that i had after i died and got more for some reason it makes me and my brother have the same character. can some1 plz help thx.
  7. bradley1508


    we both got different steam acc's and i mean say i died and my *brother* logs on with his laptop it will count him dieing also like if something happens to one of us it affects us both
  8. bradley1508


    we both bought the game
  9. bradley1508


    i downloaded this game and so did my brother we both have our own laptops but when we go ingame it counts us as one player can u only have like the one char per ip address or something? if u can help thx