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Everything posted by mrottuh

  1. I know there's an issue with the debug UI but my problem lies within the default UI. When I have it set to debug it doesn't update like everyone says. When I change it to none, it's completely gone like its suppose to do. But when I switch it to default, it dissapears completely almost like I had it set to none. Is anyone else having this type of UI problem? Any way to fix it..? P.S. DayZ version: Arma 2 Beta patch version: 96751.
  2. What you said for None and Debug are correct. When I turn it to default the HUD disappears even though it shouldn't. My only guess is that it's my beta patch perhaps?
  3. What's the difference between the two other than one has 5 more bullets than the other? Any dmg difference or something?? I've always wondered this : x