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dvnt (DayZ)

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Everything posted by dvnt (DayZ)

  1. dvnt (DayZ)

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    YES! get rid of wire and tank traps It would be a different answer if they worked properly. But even after removing them, they come back after a server restart, so they just bog down the area and server. Remove them until they are fixed.
  2. Why is it that I can run up hills, all around down, through forest, back up hills, more hills, running, running, running and have no negative side effects. I should go through more water, use more food, be fatigued after a while, run slower, be noisier when fatigued etc when running around. You should not need just one soda and a can of sardines to run the length of the map, and then have no side effects, that's just crazy. And what if you have a back pack full of scrap metal, canned food, ammo, car tires, engine parts...still run at full speed? WTF? More in you pack, the slower and/or nosier you move. Please add in fatigue/stamina and maybe weight penalties for your pack.
  3. dvnt (DayZ)

    Make survival a challenge

    TOTALLY agree, where is the stamina in this game? you can spawn on a beach and then run right across the map without any slow down at all. You should AT LEAST drink more fluids while running, and go through more food as well. How far can someone run without having to take a sip of water? and there is no consequence to running. Maybe you could be slower to react to thinks, you might be noisier due to your "heavy feet". What if you had a pack full of ammo and tins of food...still run as far and fast without breaks? I think not. I agree that it is a lame way to get around zombies, but to me a zombie is mindless and can be easily escaped from...what I think should happen, is zombies have less AI, less sensory perception (I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out) BUT there should be many more of them...why you ask? 1. you can escape them more easily as they are stupid, but you run into more, so running through a building gets you away from 5 on that side of the building, but you run into more on the other side. 2. have more dumber zombies also help alleviate the "train" effect, stopping one person running laps while the rest of the group loot the building. Dumber zombies would break aggro sooner, and then be free to 'discover' the others trying to loot the building. 3. having dumber zombie uses less CPU cycles so the servers should be able to trade off some smarts for higher numbers of zombies. 4. you should be able to use smarts to escape zombies. Yeah, food is just too simple. You should have to eat more regularly, and hunger should have more side affects. One item of food should not fill your food bar. Maybe 30%, so if you eat "3 times a day" should keep your hunger at close to max. Doing more vigorous things should require significantly more food and water. And maybe soda cans give you a nice short term fix, but runs out faster. Basically everything should be harder...and animals are a joke. They just stand there. there's no hunting them, its just finding them.
  4. dvnt (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    What do you mean? do you mean it in the code, but not implemented. Or do you mean its an option for players already? - Putting a bounty on someone's head? - getting a reputation for things (good/bad) that are witnessed? I like this, players in a short radius are witnesses. A simple group function, adding players to your group would stop your fallow bandits from giving your a negative rep due to their proximity to you, unless you wanted to get a nice negative reputation of course. I see a positive reputation being easier to gain than a negative one, as a person helping would always have at least one witness, as long as they (and they survived your help) Whereas the person killing other players would be killing the witnesses, so would not get that negative rep as easily. So you can only imagine how many people 'that' bandit has really killed if they have xyz reputation.
  5. dvnt (DayZ)

    Get rid of tents and storage

    I kind of agree partially. I think the risk factor becomes too low if you have a tent full of kit from people you have been killing. The risk factor should grow in the game else its no longer a survival game. I don't think you should take storage away, I think storage is fine. (I personally have never used storage, so I may be talking through a hole in my head). But I do think there should be a HUGE penalty for dying. If you you die you should loose all your stuff, and start fresh on a beach with a bandage, torch and painkillers like everyone else. Not have a warehouse full of kit to gear up with straight after you were killed. On the home page of DayZMod.com shows the 3 steps to this game... 1. Scavenge 2. Slay 3. Survive If you fail you should go back to step one, and start scavenging. If you are in a group or Clan then they can help gear you up with some of there stuff, but if you keep doing that then your group clan are going to see you are more of a burden. I think storage should last for a very short time (few minutes) after your death to allow anyone close to get stuff from it before it disappears. If its a vehicle and you group are in it at the time, the maybe the fuel drains real fast giving the driver time to park up and take what ever they need from it before it...?... disappears...catches fire? If you have tents and vehicles the your life becomes more valuable, so you should treat it as such and work harder to "SURVIVE"
  6. dvnt (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I agree, there is always going to be untrust in this game, and no game mechanic is every going to get around that. BUT... I do think there could be different ways to give some 'indication' of a players play style/reputation/"trustworthyness" so you can avoid/fear/target/group/follow/talk to or help depending on you own play style/reputation/"trustworthyness". If you see someone with a bad reputation you can avoid them, but if you see someone with a good reputation, you might take the chance that you can help/trade/group with that player. A players reputation wont stop them from backstabbing you, or from being helpful (in the case of a "bandit"). Players with a very high reputation may even be able to put a "Price" on someone head making them a wanted player. If you kill that player you may get loot/reputation/status. This will add a new goal for some players. They can start hunting for other players, and others may need to start defending against this. I am just thinking of the wild west, and how people could travel as fast or faster than information. So if they were a good bandit they could keep ahead of the negative reputation, but if they let it catch up withn them they would find themselves with a lot of heat coming down on them.
  7. dvnt (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I was thinking that any bandit system should be based around what others think of you, not what you have actually done. Of course if you have done bad things people will think you are a bandit. But what about the things you have done that noone witnessed? I don't think you should become a bandit because you killed 4 people (or whatever number), I think you should get a bad reputation because you were witnessed killing 4 people (or whatever number). You may have actually killed dozens, but if you are good at it, then noone will know about it, so you can minimise your bad reputation.
  8. Does anyone know if there is anywhere we can post players that are "Trusted" or "Untrusted". Or would this be like pissing in the wind? I have a doc on my desktop that I add to as I come across players, and if they are friendly I not this, and maybe a quick reason why (Game me been, info, didn't shoot etc) I am sure it cold be abused by bandits just saying all their mates are friendly etc, and saying everyone else is untrusted. But maybe it could be just the usual + or - mechanic like a lot of websites use for posts/comments. but maybe it could be smarter than that and give a persons "vote" on a player based on how trustworthy that person is. So if a person with low trust score would have little affect when + or - another players score. As I said, maybe this is just pissing in the wind thinking this kind of thing would work, but it might. It would be nice to see some kind of reputation follow a player. I know there was something based on players killing other players, but that is an internal game mechanic that has been dropped. I am thinking something could be done here in the forums (or a game mechanic). It would mean that if you decide to go rouge then people will not trust you and make it a bit easier for the friendlies to identify each other. try to curb this shoot then ask question mentality.
  9. hi I have just recently started to play DayZ, so have maybe 6 evening of play under my belt, and still on my second life. My first life was only 7m30s. I am wanting to know if I am crazy when I don't loot gun in favour of my hatchet? The Hatchet is not the perfect weapon, but its a silent killer, and you can sneak around town only killing things that cross your path. I don't have to worry about ammo, and can fill all mu ammo spots with bandages. I know there are down sides to this...Bandit encounters, and having a greater chance of bites when in combat. But if you are prown when moving around a town, you can get within swinging distance of a Z before they see you, so you get a clean kill most of the time. Am I just kidding myself, and avoiding the gun fights? Don't get me wrong, I love to use guns on Z's, but with the noise it just seems to create an unstable environment every time you pull the trigger. I am generally on the map solo, so I think being in a group would be quite different. Interested in hearing your thoughts.
  10. dvnt (DayZ)

    Am I crazy just using Hatchet

    I agree, you can tell when there is or has been someone around by the number of Z's around, but knowing someone is around is very different to knowing where they are. Side note: I made a huge mistake last night by telling someone where I was last night. The double blast from the double barrelled shotgun told me they were not as friendly as they claimed to be. The funny thing was, as I lay there bleeding out, he kept saying "sorry bro I wasn't trying to take you out, I was..." Yeah I carried a hand gun around, and getting head shot on the first Z is pretty straight forward, but then you have several more that are zipping around and getting headshot at that point it very hard. I know you should get them into a building so you can line them up better etc, but you cant always dictate the location of a firefight.
  11. dvnt (DayZ)


    I would like the ability to put something on my head to protect against these flappy jerky half decomposed infected from knocking me the 'F' out all the time. I have died twice now from a zombie getting in a king-hit on me while I am swinging at him with an axe and getting knocked out cold and bleeding to death. This sucks. I want to take the helmet off the military Z's and stick it on my own head. give me a helmet!
  12. dvnt (DayZ)

    Am I crazy just using Hatchet

    When you first pick it up, you need to reload it, press "R". not sure why this is, but thats the way it is. It will then give you 1000 or 10000 swings before you have to reload again.
  13. dvnt (DayZ)


    Nice, if this worked I would gladly do it. Oh, that would be cool, I'll take two thanks. I didn't know this, thanks, but both of my deaths I was on or almost on full blood, That's why I found it so annoying.