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Everything posted by Cheese_omg

  1. Cheese_omg

    Bumped Into A GOD

    Sorta a desperate way to get views on DayZ videos dont you think?
  2. Cheese_omg

    Please Help, I Cant start playing!

    You can update your version Via Commander and I also found that Six never updated the version for me.
  3. Cheese_omg

    Please Help, I Cant start playing!

    Have you downloaded DayZ commander?
  4. Cheese_omg

    Bumped Into A GOD

    You again. You always end up getting into something dont you lol.
  5. P.S Watch out for Oscar
  6. Cheese_omg

    New Weapons / Suit / Greatest Discovery!!!

    The Soldier suit or whatever is hacked in as the only items you can put on are Camo clothing, Ghillie suit or civi clothes/Hero skin Edit: you cant pick up other peoples camo or suits E.G a player who has a Ghillie suit on cannot have it taken off them when they are dead but if they have it in there inventory in the package you can.
  7. Cheese_omg

    New Weapons / Suit / Greatest Discovery!!!

    Some of that stuff is hacked in. Edit: do you also know what some of that stuff does because there is thermal L85s in there Rangefinders are not the same as flashlights and do you know how to use a backpack because from what I saw there was about 5 or so coyote packs and I'm sure they are the best packs in the game and you were carrying no food on you what so ever.
  8. Cheese_omg

    You shouldn't have did that mang

    Do a "You shouldn't have fired that M107 in the city..." Because I'm sure there would be the whole of the zombies on the map there :D
  9. Did everyone else die in the server because thats happened to us we were fully loaded (I had MP5 and DMR and the other guys had AKs and stuff) and we were going out of a town I dont remember what town and as all 5 of us crossed the field I was put down to -3,000,000 health and then 3 seconds later everyone else died.
  10. Cheese_omg

    What kind of traps can you think of?

    Its seems lots of you like Dead man switchs are you some sort of suicide bombers? :o
  11. *1 yes it will but only on that server *2 Yes I think as long as they've not got there own sort of hive so lets say 2 servers are hosted by the same person for more room and they make it enabled (not 100% sure about that) *3 No it will not *4 they are not supported by Rocket or the Dev team Hope this answers everything :)
  12. Cheese_omg

    Overwatch: Looting Safely

    I hope you dont kill Medic of the Wastelands because thats not very nice :|
  13. Cheese_omg

    Help! My choper is in the water

    Are you sure it lost control or are you just a rubbish pilot + pics to prove it aswell. (I also think Choppers explode when they hit water correct me if I'm wrong?)
  14. Cheese_omg

    The excitement of your first truck

    You should have drove along playing "Sound of da Police"
  15. Cheese_omg

    What kind of traps can you think of?

    There is IEDs in the main ARMA 2 CO they would be quite cool as they are like a small patch of rubbish but if I could have one it would be a net trap so if they walked inside that rope they would fling up into the air and they would need a hunting knife or something to escape. ;)
  16. Cheese_omg

    Need help, its complicated.....

    Do you both control 1 account or 2 diffrent accounts?
  17. Its not the beta patch because I'm getting it and I'm running .4
  18. Cheese_omg

    ACE inventory and Ruck sack system in DAYZ

    Why would you even need 4 main rotor assemblies anyway I'm sure 1 is plenty is it not?
  19. If you get a disk ordered from the internet you have to wait 2-5 days anyway for it to arrive...
  20. I dont think that any of us (as myself I have been teleported to the beach) will be teleported back to where we were I just think we are going to have to get on our feet and walk to where you were before :|
  21. Cheese_omg

    ACE inventory and Ruck sack system in DAYZ

    Theres no real need to change the old system atm and hows saying how does an AS50 fit in it make me trolling? Its not needed at the moment as there is more important problems with the game like getting gone with the modders and other issues like graphics glitching and also getting the game out of Beta and into a standalone game compared to updateing an already decent Backpack system that works and everyone is also used to.
  22. Steam is alot easier I would assume as Amazon are just terrible all around.
  23. Cheese_omg

    ACE inventory and Ruck sack system in DAYZ

    Not realy a need to say that because its an ok idea and oviously it would not be the first thing on Rockets mind but it also would need alot of work put into it doing the cc thing right and displaying the cc and also it would take alot of work from the player getting used to it because I think everyone is use to the ARMA 2 inventory system.
  24. Cheese_omg

    ACE inventory and Ruck sack system in DAYZ

    What would happen if you had a M107/AS50 (Which are like flagposts) and you tryed sticking that in a backpack?
  25. I noticed he was bleeding but dident think much of it / looks at his health