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About Cheese_omg

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    DayZ derp...

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    Hello. =D
  1. Cheese_omg

    Can you...shoot down trees?

    Just get a truck or something along those lines and ram it down because theres no other way to do it without blowing the tent up...
  2. Cheese_omg

    Lets play DayZ! Look for some people.

    I suppose I would be up to play if I got to know you guys :)
  3. Cheese_omg

    Looking for players (1 - 2)

    you should tell people what your profile picture is and where you are from because there will most likely be other people with that name...
  4. Cheese_omg

    My murder and my helper.

    I was wishing he ran over your legs with a the truck 0.0
  5. BI could just publish it and it would be put on Steam. (I can try and get in contact with someone from the Dev team and ask.)
  6. I have a 1 hour and 17 minute recording of a Teamspeak interview with someone from the Dev team and they also talked about some of the ideas you were talking about. They also talked about the engine that the game runs on and some of the problems like if you had alot of corpses in building it would make the server very laggy as the engine could not run it and also the same with every building being enterable and loot everywhere.
  7. Cheese_omg

    Gaining good equipment.

    Its an Ok guide for fresh spawns who want to get out but I would oviously recommend you loot a supermarket to get some food and drink.
  8. 2 minutes into the game and a crane goes "Fus Ro Dah" and I go flying across elektro -.- My best is when I got killed at about 4-5m by an AS50 as they crawled up the stairs into Balota airfield and all I had was a Flashlight and the basic gear LMFAO 0.0
  9. 1) Obviously ignore people who bullshit you for being a bandit its an RPG it does not reflect you In real life.... 2) It all depends what type of people you get and their gamestyle because obviously people who loot night server will have high end stuff E.G NVGs is a clear one but also if its a decent group they will probaly have a L85 AWS in there but it all depends as I said on that persons game style. 3) As long as your not sitting in Cherno/Elektro with that AS50 its ok with me. ^.^ Edit: I would also suggest testing that AS50 TWS out as it can be a hard gun to aim sometimes if they are half way between E.G 800 and 900 so 850 and if you dont have Rangefinders just go into editor on ARMA 2 and just get the ranges from where you think your gonna be.
  10. When a Admin get to much power they always kick people for killing them/stealing their stuff e.g Battlefield 3 server admins kick you for killing them. -.- ( makes me sick )
  11. Cheese_omg

    Talking dirty to a random survivor

    I want to know what happened after the video cuts out 0.0
  12. I think your post is missing 3's in the words to replace the e's
  13. Cheese_omg

    Beware of the Sharks!

    They Hide in the water and pop out and kill anyone who walks past but I dont think anyone with I think thats an M249 and some M4 or L85 would be walking around down near the ocean. Also the shadow or whatever in pic 1 looks like a shark (Creapy 0.0)
  14. This post has turned in to a Nazi spelling war 0.0 Btw its I not i. <3
  15. Sounds like someones finding Bull S*** reasons now...