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Everything posted by SneakyPete

  1. SneakyPete uncatagorised changes

    yeah cuz it wasn't already a TDM.....
  2. I have had plenty of people run right past me (and im talking withing a couple meters) with my ghillie suit on and they didnt even notice me even though i was right infront of them
  3. SneakyPete

    what the deuce?

    So a friend and running through the forst jump a couple guys i shot the first guy and the other guy jumps behind a tree me and my friend shot him. Both bodies just vanish not dead bodies nothing so i figure they must have alt+f4ed out. So i do a scan of the area and notice a bike that is parked close to where we ran in and figured i just over looked it. So we jump on it and r like sweet at least we scored a motorcycle we both get on but the second i try and drive forward it explodes and kills us both? is that normal lol
  4. SneakyPete

    what the deuce?

    all the little things where green and it was in a field up from the trees.. but yeah must of been something like that
  5. A real life friend and myself have been playing the game for about a week now and we would like to find a small group of players to roll with. We play US servers so if you have a small group looking for a couple more let me know plz
  6. SneakyPete

    LF a small group of friends to roll with

    we dont really use skype but we use ventrilo right now. we are in a central time zone im usually on from like 9-10 till 12ish my friend is usually on little before me so we usually only have a small window in the middle where we both are able to get on.
  7. A real life friend and myself have been playing the game for a little over a week now and would like to find a small group of people to join. Mostly just looking to have a few more to play with and have some good laughs.
  8. Is the load time to get back into the game... its kinda sad that is my biggest fear with death in this game right now
  9. SneakyPete

    CB radios

    you see idiots of all ages but bottom line is this is a online game and you need ways to communicate with other people in the games aside from the 1s right next to you. maybe make it so you have a option to mute people or something but there does need to be some contact
  10. So me and my friend log into a server US256 i believe and im outside elektro just a little bit. Well i have a chez pack and cammo cloths with a m16 in my pack and a mp5sd in my hands and my friend is spawning in new. He ends up in Kamyshovo and starts heading my way cuz he loaded in a little faster then i did. Well when i get in i do a scan around my position before i get up and move. I notice a couple figures in the distance but they arent moving so i decide to check it out. I make my way up and around trying to stay low and sneaking and as i get close i can tell its 2 dead bodies. So my heart starts to race a little cuz its like well shit what killed them so i tell my friend where i am and that there is a couple bodies there. So i watch for a couple minutes then head down to check it out after i dont see any movment. So i go up to the bodies and notice shit there is a 3rd body here there is a ak on them a enfield couple alice packs. some decent equipment. So i was like well the clearly didnt get killed for the gear so whoever did it must of had some decent gear. About then my friend says he is coming in by the firehouse so i tell him to meet me over on the N side of the barn. About then he comes over the mic "shit man i have a sniper shotting at me" i was like u sure its a sniper cuz i dont hear any gun shots. He replys well i dont hear the gun but i hear the bullets hitting around me about then i see someone come into the hill i was on with a axe. I ask if that is him with the axe and he says yeah so i tell him that i have a m16 in my pack so he drops down and gets it from me. About then i see a zombie running in the field up towards where we are so i tell him to move back a little bit and off to the side. So he does and sure enough here come 2 of them one is closing in fast im pretty sure they expected a easy naked kill. So he opens fire with the M16 bam bam bam 1 down. I see the other start sneaking around a little so i tell my friend to start making a run for it down past me to the right [they are both on my left side]. So i makes a run for it and i see the guy come out from behind the tree and start after him i give it a second for him to get past my posistion. Then i crouch up and start after him with my MP5sd soon as i get close he must of heard me cuz he turns and i open fire. He returns fire so i take off to get cover and as soon as i do im down to 3k health and bleeding. I start to bandage quick and by then my friend has turned around to help but by the time he can see the guy "tick 1 bandit killed" So we ended up with a 24 slot bag a M4A1 CCO SD, PDW, range finder a bunch of goodies. That i personally have yet to find in the short period of time playing. But luckily he also had a blood pack on him so i was able to get right back to full health. I feel a little bad cuz there was just so much stuff laying on the ground between the 5 bodies but crap what do u do u can only carry so much.
  11. SneakyPete

    A unexpected way to log into a game.

    lol sorry i didnt plan on it turning out to that much of a wall
  12. SneakyPete

    how to stop campimg sniper bandits

    read the all of people have said to make it so you have to get a finger or ear or whatever the hell you want. It doesnt have to be a dogtag you people need to stop getting so caught up on the dogtag thing
  13. SneakyPete

    Dedicated servers

    I dont know if anyone has said anything about it but i would love to see there be fewer more "dedicated" servers i guess. I dont know how many servers there are out there but i think it would be awesome to see it takin down to like a couple hundered and then having the number of people on 1 server jumped up to like 100+ people. That way when u get a guild or clan of 20 survivors together u arent pretty much the only people on the server. Rather then just 1 clan in control of that server type of deal. I would also like to see it more of a MMO style of deal where all your stuff does not transfer from server to server to stop people from just jumping off servers as soon as night falls. Night play is a great part of this game and i would have to admit that when it gets pitch dark yeah i will jump on another server cuz why not there is no disadvantage to it. But if i lost all my stuff to go to a dif server then yeah i would figure out a way to play in the dark rather it be chem lights flare or any other thing out there that are great mechanics. But the main thing i would like to see is more of MMO style of server i guess rather then a COD style of game server. So that u can kinda get to know some of the people on the same server as you and things like that. But that would also help i guess if we could use the CB to talk to others with the CB. As it is i have only been playing for like a week but i dont feel like i ever get to know anyone inside the game other then passing them by from time to time
  14. SneakyPete

    how to stop campimg sniper bandits

    you can make them whatever you want dogtags ears fingers whatever the devs want it to be but its a great idea non the less
  15. SneakyPete

    how to stop campimg sniper bandits

    great feed back man...
  16. SneakyPete

    Dedicated servers

    am i the only one that likes this idea?
  17. SneakyPete

    how to stop campimg sniper bandits

    yeah i like this idea i wouldnt try and make it a currency of any sort but rather then just having a murder count on your screen remove that and have a dog tag count so that whenever u kill someone and take the tag off them it gives you a count then. To force them to come down from the mountains if they want credit for just farming kills. But you would have to make it so only the person that killed them could collect the tag
  18. You should* be able to shot them down you should be able to destroy any vehicle in the game thats pretty much the only way they will circulate
  19. SneakyPete

    CB radios

    i guess that could work lol
  20. SneakyPete

    Failure to communicate=paranoid deathmatch

    Loudspeakers would be a great addition.
  21. SneakyPete

    CB radios

    no you dont need to disable voice chat. your still want to be able to talk to people that dont have radios and if your trying to make it have realism+ u want some MMO feel. If you didnt want a MMO feel to a degree you wouldnt be playing a game that is based around the players. So yeah u can still have the VOIP that has the 40m range or whatever it is so that u can talk to someone rather they have a radio or not. But also add in the CB radio to talk with people from further away and add channel that groups can use. But make it so that say im in Kamyshovo i can maybe talk to someone down near Elektro if they are on the same channel i am.
  22. SneakyPete

    CB radios

    thats is just fine if you dont want to use it no one is going to put a gun to your head and make you pick it up. For people like me i would straight up love a way to talk to other people in the game. I for 1 can not see a way this is going to hurt the game i mean yeah if u are using it being like hey guys lets go hit cherno hospital yeah your probably gonna get yourself killed lol.
  23. SneakyPete

    CB radios

    I am all for making them semi common and making as a way to talk to other people that have them. One of my biggest complaints with this game is the lack of communication and this would be a great way to talk other people within a certain range of you but way further out the voip will allow u to do. I agree with not having just a general chat that everyone can read but at the same time i dont think u should completly limit peoples chat. Yeah people use third party programs to talk just like me and my friend do but i would like to be able to talk to others in the game. just for a example you r pinned down by a sniper in the firehouse in cherno you could make a mad run for it and try and make it out. Or maybe u get on your CB and broadcast across the channel that u are pinned down in the firehouse in cherno. U may just get more people coming to kill you or u may get someone that is out hunting snipers that picks that up and uses it to turn the table on the sniper. I just cant see it being anything but a bonus to the game to have another form of communicating with the people around u.
  24. SneakyPete

    Failure to communicate=paranoid deathmatch

    I think they should just add in the hand held radio with like 13 channels on it. Maybe make it so it has a max range but make it so that they can be found around the map and anyone on the same channel as u can hear your chat. That way when your running solo or just starting u can leave it on say channel 1 and contact other people in that channel or something along that line.
  25. The church service yesterday. How did it turn out and did anyone get a video of the events?