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About xtechnica

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  1. xtechnica

    personal notes

    dont know if this is within the scope of arma but it would be awesome if you could carry around notes on you. it could be a last will, it could be something you drop off at the camp you raided (so long and thanks for all the cars!), it could be a log of the days activities for your squad mates to check when they log on. lots of possibilities
  2. this thread makes me rofl. same thing happened to me and my group in cherno a month ago but i never got the guys name. he is running down the traintracks like a noob, fully equiped with the best shit. we kill him, loot his body, go back to our buisness and five minutes later we see the same guy coming back, trying to "sneak" up where he thought we were. kill him again, full kit. happens a THIRD time. if your so pro at "farming" all this equipment, how come your so bad at keeping it?
  3. xtechnica

    Database cleanup [2012-07-03]

    so uh anyone else missing everything from their tents now?
  4. xtechnica

    Chicago 39 hacked

    all of our tents appear to be empty as well... vehicle still had its gear tho
  5. two times in the last few days had group members killed while trying to join this server. does anyone else regular it?
  6. xtechnica

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    since u fixed the wire/bag/tanktrap duping bug can you fix the infinite ammo bug?
  7. bicycles are op! seriously they go like 40km/h, make no sound, use no fuel... why am i even bothering with this dirt bike that needs fuel every 20 minutes when the bike is just as fast. NERF BICYCLES!
  8. xtechnica

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    i dont know why that would fix anything, the problem probably stems from the master server not saving your location properly. wasnt there something about it not saving corrupted data for positioning now (to prevent debug forest from happening)? maybe it has something to do with this
  9. xtechnica

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    happens to me also, relogging solves getting into a never ending loop. but eventually it happens again and its always super sketch. once today it happened after we looted a chopper crash that had 30ish zeds. i got teled right back on the chopper in the middle of them. second time happened after our group was leaving the nw airfield, i got teled back into one of the hangars surrounded by zed D:
  10. xtechnica

    pistol holster toolbar item (and others)

    yea thats what i meant by ammo rigs.
  11. making the flashlights go between the toolbar and secondary weapon spot is awesome. sometimes its problematic when you have to move your pistol and all its ammo to your bag in order to switch to the light. so what if there was a pistol holster item you could find, which would allow you to move your pistol to the toolbar like the flashlight. there could be other toolbelt items as well like ammo riggings. you could maybe have 2 separate holsters for sidearms.
  12. xtechnica

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    on the subject of lighting, is it possible for anything to be done about using flashlights inside during night? as it is you just get a small circle of lighting wherever its aiming, theres no radiant light outside of its "cone" and it doesnt really help at all. i got chased indoors last night and couldnt navigate my way past them and outside because the damn light focus was so narrow
  13. xtechnica

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    this man does not sleep...