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DeLorean (DayZ)

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About DeLorean (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. I'm experiencing the same problem when I launch from the in-game browser, so I'd appreciate it if you expanded on this point.
  2. So, over two weeks of surviving on the same character and 101 proud zombie kills, I'm finally dead. How'd it happen? Well, I went down something like this... I'm running across a field, heading toward a treeline I plan to use as a waypoint to approach a barn I've seen. Half way across I see another player coming toward me. Could be trouble I think to myself, so I divert to give him a wide birth. Sure enough he takes a shot at me. I know I should've known better than to get into a fire-fight with low health, but...I've never opened fire on another player (had plenty of opportunities) and here's this little shit thinking he's John Wayne. But I resist - I fire a couple of warning shots and run along on my way.Then he lands one on my arm! Now I have a lot of patience, but that was it. So, I swing round and return fire. We exchange about 12 shots each before he hits me again (this time on the chest) and I collapse unconscious. I've gone from angry to laughing by this stage as I've resigned to the fact I'm about to die as I see him run up to me and shove the gun in my face (plus I kinda enjoyed the shoot-off). And so the struggle for survival starts again...
  3. Here's the thing. When bandits die, they respawn (just like everyone else). Then they go and get a gun and start killing people again. So, I'm not even a little bit convinced that killing them will make cherno an appreciably safer place. That said, I'm up for trying some co-operative play (Always gone solo as people tend to shoot me). Really enjoyed the youtube video you posted a while back on surviving dayz btw.
  4. DeLorean (DayZ)

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    First time I bumped into another player. Didn't know what to do. I just froze on the spot, staring at the guy. But I don't mean like a momentary freeze. Oh no, this was a stand there while he shuffles around a little, changes his weapon and takes very careful aim of my face before firing! Still don't know what I thought I was going to achieve by not moving. Clearly got zombie survival mixed up with Jurassic Park...
  5. DeLorean (DayZ)

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey there. I'm Rory (DeLorean in game). I don't have a particular server, though tend to use UK 118 more than most.