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Everything posted by Theplanbpill

  1. Theplanbpill

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    This reminds me of the sales guys at work that come over to me and say "Hey buddy, can you do XXX and XXX. That'd be greaaat, thanks." Douche level over 9000.
  2. Hey guys just started playing again today and I've been having a weird bug where sometimes when I zoom in the ground turns black and the sky white. It's impossible to see in and I have to log out to fix it. Tried flushing, didn't work. Here's a screenshot.
  3. Theplanbpill

    Lighting errors when zooming in.

    Overclock doesn't seem to be the problem either
  4. Theplanbpill

    Lighting errors when zooming in.

    Let me also disable my overclock. It's quite possible the memory overclock I have on my 6950 is unstable for DayZ seeing as how it's a stressful game on video memory.
  5. Theplanbpill

    Lighting errors when zooming in.

    Maybe it's something to do with other mods I have installed like ACE and I44?
  6. Theplanbpill

    Lighting errors when zooming in.

    Hmmm, maybe it's that my aspect ratio is set to 16:10 and not 16:9 for my 1920x1080 monitor?
  7. Theplanbpill

    Lighting errors when zooming in.

    lol ok that didn't work. Made it happen faster. What would you suggest changing next? I'm thinking the PPAA. It's on FXAA sharp filter normal.
  8. Theplanbpill

    Lighting errors when zooming in.

    No I haven't. I would rather do a one by one changing of options. Think I'm going to start with changing video memory to default instead of high.
  9. Just had a random idea. Zombies aren't a problem in the forest, there are already animals roaming around, why not have some wolves that could possibly be a threat. Or more likely be a fun hunting game for a starving survivor :) The Grey anyone???? p.s Liam Neeson is a badass
  10. Welcome survivors, bandits, fresh beach goers, and all forum lurkers. I'd like to lay out some basic thoughts on DayZ and what I'd like to see coming out of it. ---First I'll start with just general zombie related changes seeing as how it wouldn't be DayZZZZZ without the Zs. I believe I've heard quite a few people talking about horde migration. From my experience play project zombiod I found, while some what easy to manipulate with loud weapons(keep in mind thats a single player game) that horde migration can play a huge strategic part in raiding of towns and other places. To go further into depth on that point and more specific on the actual changes, you've heard it before ladies and gentlemen: SLOW ZOMBIESSSSS!!! :D But (excuse my language) A SHIT TON of them. Yes I understand that is taxing on servers and players computers, but this could be implemented into the stand alone(whenever that's due) and hopefully everything will be more optimized. ---Secondly, the zombie spawning system. Now that I've been player for awhile and I'm sure plenty of you know about this, I've caught onto the whole 200 meter zombie spawn in thing. But if you don't know. I can explain it. When entering a town or just a building's area that will spawn zombies, once you are within roughly 200 meters they, and the loot will begin to spawn. Now this is easily exploited by anyone more than 200 meters away that may be watching the town or building. This is one of my biggest concerns when entering an area, I can avoid being spotted easily by snipers, stay prone, go cover to cover quickly, but the zombies can not. Now my suggestions for that, and again also possible server taxing changes: 1. Always have the zombies spawned in. Integrated with the horde migration suggestion stated above this could be easily done by making some cities have the "horde" and others have very few if any zombies. (Adding to the strategic value of avoiding zombies) 2. Increase the spawn in distance significantly. Somewhere around 500-800 meters. Not many snipers would watch from that distance since it'd be one hell of a shot and probably have no spot to shoot from at that distance. 3. Continue with the current, easily exploitable system. (Had other ideas but forgot) ---Alright third topic. Short but I really think this one could stick: Being able to give yourself blood. Now hold one I know what you're thinking. "That would make it too easy to survive on your own and in reality you can't give yourself a blood transfusion." To begin. I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure I could, in an emergency, stick a needle into my arm and squeeze a blood bag. Correct me if I'm wrong(which I probably am because I study the furthest thing from medical health) but when you're given blood after losing too much, you're not given a blood "transfusion" where as you get all your blood taken out of your body and new put in, but just new put in??? Still I don't know. BUTTTT, I'd like to finish this topic with a simple thing: blood type This would increase the rarity of the blood bags you need, make you need a wide variety, and hopefully work well with my idea of being able to give yourself blood. ---And lastly, Fixing the basics first: I've heard a lot of out cries about this on the forum, and I'd just like to reverberate it. Please stop adding things that make the game harder without fixing things like the ridiculous zombies, inventory management/eating your gear, and my personal favorite; camping tents dropping your loot upon the server restarting. I've lost so much gear that way. Thanks for reading ---Plan B
  11. Theplanbpill

    Tent Work Around

    Bumping. God damn tents steal my shit more than players do.
  12. Probably, like I already said, because this is a mod in Alpha. He is not trying to make it perfect for you. You are Alpha testing. Bugs will happen.
  13. Or get on a private hive server where people can't log off when they see you on a hill sniping, log into another server and teleport behind you. Duplicating and hacking is quite a bit better as well. Plus the community is much nicer. People that are hacking dicks get banned. That simple.
  14. lol idk why people are STILL acting like this is a complete full release game they paid $60 for. You got it for free, don't complain too much. It's in Alpha. Welcome to DayZ.
  15. If you're on the newest patch, then yes. It's a known problem. Had the samething happen to me. My private hive server reverted back to for reasons like this and many others.
  16. Theplanbpill Still Artifacting

    Guys. Idk if you've done this fix yet. But going to your documents. ARMA 2 folder, then "username"ARMAOAPROFILE and editing the "scenecomplexity" to 100000 fixed it for me
  17. Yup, pretty sure you'll be able to buy gold coins with real world money. Pay2Win for sure. I mean for shit's sake, the damn game engine is from a F2P game, of coarse some of the microtransaction herpes is going to carry over.
  18. Theplanbpill

    Camo clothes garbage?

    So I found some camo clothes on a crashed heli the other day. For those who don't know camo clothes are just basically military clothes. Green so they are kind of camoflaged. I've heard that they give you slight body armor against small arms fire. But really, compared to a ghillie suit this thing is terrible. So what I was thinking, and I want some other peoples opinions. Do you think the camo clothes should have slots for your main weapon magezines? Or possible second weapon slot, primary or secondary?
  19. lol talking about the game like it's already out and you've played it for hours. As you describe this special zombie and whatever that stem cell idea is, I can't help to think that they are going to go WAY over board on the zombie fiction. If DayZ is a 0 on the ridiculous zombie fiction and L4D is a 10, I'm guessing they are going to land somewhere around an 8. Which is way too high. Zombies are one thing, zombies. Nothing else. There is no cure, there are no special zombies. There is only human, or zombie.
  20. Following my post just above, I'd like to mention how WarZ clearly states on the homepage that it is "The first zombie MMO". At first I was like "Pfft, no dayz is. What a bunch of douches." But upon the realization that DayZ should no long be classified as the tainted abbreviation MMO, WarZ can have the title of first zombie MMO. It's not going to make the game any better and we all know that.