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Posts posted by kibblez

  1. I am about to fucking break my computer this has been pissing me the fuck off for 2 weeks now. MOD CREATORS FIX THE FUCKING GAME SO WE CAN PLAY IT THIS SHIT IS SOO FUCKING DUMB IM FED UP WITH THIS BULLSHIT !!!!@@!@!

    @DayzForumhelpers - Also i went through your dumbass help video and shit and that shit fucking blows, still doesnt work whatsoever...........

  2. Alright I'm fed up with this fucking shit. I bought this game 2 weeks ago and I am still having trouble getting the game to work. I am still having the same problem which is that whenever I start the SixLauncher and try to join a game Arma 2 OA freezes. I figured that if I waited a week or two a new patch would come out to fix this shit, but unfortunatly the patch did not do shit to help me. Last week I tried several "fixes" such as installing lastest beta patch, reinstalling the game, and even messing with the battleye installs. As of now I deleted everything and just reinstalled Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA as well as SixLauncher. I am yet to mess with anything else until I receive some help. Anyways if you know any ways I can fix this problem I would MUCH appreciate it.


