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Posts posted by evox91

  1. I am an admin on a server, and recently there have been almost no kicks for script restrictions aside from #216 (which is a bypass kick) but i just saw someone get kicked for #220, and im not sure what all it means. Ive looked all over the place but i havent been able to find a thread or google search that explains this restriction, if anyone could help me out with this it would be appreciated, as i want to know what to look for as far as kicks for hacks. Thanks in advance.

    Just saw another for Script restriction #67, can anyone enlighten me with the meaning of that one? (if its from a hack or not)

  2. the exThreads=1 is an additional boot parameter for Arma 2 that you can set in 6 Launcher or Dayz Commander, go into the settings tab, and under additional parameters, throw that line into the text box, and you're all set. Its just a modifier to tell the game when it is starting up, to run slightly different than normal.

    On an unrelated note, i got a higher quality thermal paste, and my CPU temp is all the way down to 29*C at idle, and 65*C at max load via Prime95, while gaming it sits around 40*C.

  3. double check to make sure your drivers are up to date, then download speedfan and prime95 to check your cpu and gpu temps at max load. Also, try disabling shadows, that gave me a massive FPS boost with my ATI radeon 4600, and try to see if there is a major fps difference with everything set to high, and then everything set to low. Also i would recomend downloading a gpu moniter to make sure that something else in your system isnt acting as a bottleneck, you would see your GPU sitting around 30-50% if there is one present.

  4. ...so im fairly sure its not some sort of overheating problem...

    im still shaking my head about this, ever since i applied the new thermal paste, my FPS has jumped at least 20 frames, and the game is soooo much more fun. Another thing i found out about my specific graphics card, is that this model has problems with shadows. Previously i couldnt see a difference between shadows being on high and shadows being off, due to my CPUs problems, after disabling that, i gained another 10fps, and now the game is smooth as glass. All the settings are maxed out now, (besides shadows) and the games looks and feels amazing, sniping is very fun now, and i no longer have a handicap sdet by my low FPS.

  5. good news and bad guys.

    Good news! I found out my problem!

    Bad news! I highly doubt this is what others are having problems with!

    I was looking into overclocking my CPU to try to get it to take up additional slack, and in that process i installed two programs to moniter and stress test my computer. Those being SpeedFan, and other other being Prime95. To get a base reading, i booted up Speedfan, i noticed that my CPU was oddly pretty hot at idle, being at 58*C. I noted that down, the launched prime95 to start stressing my computer to its limits. I almost instantly shut it down, can you guess why? I saw my CPU spike almost instantly up to 110*C. At this point i was freaked, i was thinking to myself that this could not possibly be a good thing seeing as previously my peaks at max load had been in the high 50s, while idling at around 42*C, that was about a year ago when i built the box. I then figured that something was messing up my CPUs heat sink, so i took it apart, sure enough, i saw my problem right there, glaring me in the face. The thermal paste that came with the stock heatsink was full of air pockets and looked like something that had been sitting on the surface of the sun for too long. Since then, ive ordered some new Arctic Thermal paste off newegg, and im not touching my machine until i get that all neat and tidied up. I only hope that this hasnt already messed up my CPU to the point of no return. And go figure that i was about to order a GTX 570 to fix my problems (still doing that once i have the funds) when all i had to do was buy a $10 bottle of thermal paste to fix everything. Just goes to show that the answer is right in front of you, all you have to do is broaden your search.

    Thanks for all the support guys, i hope i didnt have you scratching your heads as hard as i was.

  6. Agreed, dealing with the server hoppers was especially bad, kinda sucks when you spent all this effort securing the entrances, to then just have a small group able to hop in and ruin everything because they got in behind us. Im very hopeful that either in the DayZ standalone or the other WarZ game will have a system to make this idea more feasible. Ive got to admit it was very fun to have the responsibility of trying to keep the civilians inside the camp safe from zeds and players alike. Having people to take care of made town raids have a lot more purpose to them, DayZ has gotten a tad boring after getting tons of gear by raiding other camps, and the small core group currently has enough supplies to last a lifetime. Once you introduce an additional 8 people to the existing supplies, it dwindles fairly quickly, and makes small town raids an active and important part of keeping everything running.

  7. Yukki, unless you have proof, dont accuse people of hacking. Also, on a server with notags where its nearly impossible to find out which person it is thats hacking, when there IS a suspected hacker, its best to shut down the server to get rid of them. So calling it admin abuse doesnt seem appropriate when all it was was an attempt to protect the community from a hacker that we cant easily deal with, we dont want people to lose their gear to bullshittery.

  8. Honestly you guys need hacker protection. And in order for that o work is to get a hacker yourself to protect against griefers honestly hacking to precent hacking is 100% understandable in this situation

    I honestly wish we could find someone to constantly watch for greifing hackers on our server, but who is going to spend money on a battle-eye bypass to run hacks, to then just sit around for hours watching for hacks? Think of Gandalf in LotR, he would take the ring with the intention to do good, but through him, the ring would wield a weapon too powerful to imagine, Inevitably, the watcher would get bored, then start using the hacks for recreational use, which nobody wants.

  9. Seems fail, killed all of their security and then they re-started the server. SAD LOL. Apparently I was invisible and teleporting, nice server guys.

    As stated in my previous post, i dont like to call hacks, but in this case it did seem plausible. It is very possible that the guy could have climbed the ladder up onto the top story then popped around the corner into the room i was sitting i, as i didnt have a perfect view of that door, though i had a decent view, and i didnt see any movement. None of us are raging, and if it was you guys who killed us, thank you for leaving us the UAZ, we all appreciate that (no sarcasm). Also seems odd how this is your only post on the DayZ forums. Not sure if you were the actual guy on our server, or just some guy trying to get a rise out of us on the forums. Just saying, it does seem rather shady. We're just kinda on edge due to an increasing quantity of hackers among all the DayZ servers, and we have witnessed large amount of hacking on our server as well. (fools teleporting around sniping everyone on the server with an AS50 point blank, that sort of thing)

  10. It was very interesting indeed, when the people hopped in, i was in that top room of the stairs with my DMR lookin down, all of a sudden, i start getting hit by an SD weapon from apparently nowhere, im fairly certain i would have seen someone walking into the room i was in, im not convinced it was hacks, but i do have my suspicions.

  11. gotta admit, im skunked. i cant think of anything that i could possibly have missed. if anyone finds anything mind blowing please feel free to refresh this thread. im sure a lot of people would appreciate answers for this.

    I myself found a solution, dont play on my computer XD. my GF has started playing a lot more skyrim lately, and since my computer can run it much better than hers, when she plays skyrim on my computer i play DayZ on hers. problems solved. Although we cant play together, we both find it is worth it and its the only viable solution at the moment. thanks for all the help guys, enjoy your beans and good hunting.

  12. our settings are all the exact same, down to the visibility. ill post the specs shortly.

    Mine: Western Digital AV WD3200AVJS 320GB 7200 RPM 8MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5"Internal AV Hard Drive

    Hers: Western Digital Caviar Blue RFHWD3200AAJS 320GB 7200 RPM 8MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive

    Visibility: 3054

    Interface Resolution: 1920x1080

    3D Resolution: 1920x1080

    Texture Detail: High

    Video Memory: Default

    Anisotropic Filtering: Normal

    Antialiasing: Disabled

    ATOC: Disabled

    Terrain Detail: High

    Objects Detail: High

    Shadow Detail: Very High

    HDR Quality: High

    PPAA: Disabled

    Postprocess Effects: Disabled

    Interface Size: Small

    Aspect Ratio: 16:9 - Wide

    Vsync: Disabled

  13. swapping the PSU didnt change the FPS, so at this point im simply at a loss. heres an update on everything i have tried, and the results:

    Overclocking the GPU: no change

    Adding every boot parameter known to man: no change

    Turning off a single core on my CPU: fewer FPS

    Swapping graphics cards: no change

    Swapping power supply: no change

    Booting DayZ off a virtual harddrive using RAMdisk: no change

    Modifying the config files to change the max frames ahead etc: no change

    Turning up the fans in my case: no change

    Changing every setting ingame to low: looks like shit, no fps change

    Changing every setting ingame to high: looks pretty normal, minor FPS drop

    Reformatting harddrive: no change

    No matter what i have tried, nothing has given me higher FPS, and i simply cant figure out why. Ive ruled out the GPU, the PSU, the HDD, the parameters, the drivers, the game version, the mod version, and now the only things i have left are maybe the coding, and my CPU, which doesn't make a lick of sense as to why it would cause these problems. If you notice anything i might have missed, please post any ideas, i might just have to give up on the game until it becomes a standalone unit.

  14. nothing i do seems to improve my performance. getting extremely frustrated with this whole thing. i followed a few guides and used RAMdisk to set up a lightning fast virtual harddrive to run the DayZ mod off of, i can run it just fine so i know i did it correctly, but i still get the same FPS as i did beforehand. last thing to do is swap PSUs with my girlfriends computer, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. Ill post and update with the effects of that as soon as i can.
