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Everything posted by evox91

  1. after formatting and adding -winxp to the parameters, i did notice a mild FPS increase, although i think that has do do with the server being a night server. Still testing, will update as i learn more
  2. huh, havent tried that, this is the first ive read about that parameter. If my problem isnt fixed by the reformat, ill add that to the other parameters, thanks for bringing that up. ill post an update on the performance as soon as its done installing via Steam.
  3. i just reformated my computer and im going to try to run dayz with almost nothing else on my computer to make sure its not a software problem, but if that doesnt work, i guess i'll plug in my girlfriends PSU then, but before i do that, could it potentially mess up my system because its not as powerful? i just dont want to mess up my parts by using an underpowered PSU.
  4. neither of us are on low settings, we have the same monitor, same reso, same settings for everything, and she maintains a pretty constant 30-40fps in the middle of cherno, while i get 5-15. Since we both have the same graphics card, and hers runs perfectly, i dont think that is the source of the issue im having. I can only wonder if it has something to do with my CPU or PSU really, ive heard that not having sufficient power can really jack things up, but i would think that my 550W would pack enough of a punch to take care of everything, esp since my GFs rig is only on a 450W and works fine. i just tried setting everything to low, got about 3 fps on average more, but GPU is still idling at 25-30%
  5. same exact place, on top of the tall factory building in the smack dead center of cherno, looking right at eachother. I dont think it could be a server problem, as everyone else on the server gets normal FPS.
  6. havent looked at my GPU and CPU loads, but i get an easy 80-100 FPS in singleplayer went back and tried singleplayer again, i was surprised to see myself only getting about 15-25 FPS (it was Takistan? not very familiar with ArmA outside of DayZ) there were a lot of buildings like you might see in cherno, but at least everything was smooth. GPU load was at 100% which i was happy to see, and CPU was around 70%.
  7. tried it out, no significant change, CPU load was 50% GPU load was 40%. Was getting about 10 FPS whish is pretty normal for cherno :/
  8. ill try switching that to 7, but i would think its a tad excessive as with the 2 cores, as i only have 4 threads. ill post an update as to what happens
  9. i have plenty of memory (both RAM and HDD space) and my CPU runs at around 50*c, while my GPU runs around 32*c. I have tinkered with the video memory settings and found that it works best just leaving it at default. Thanks for the ideas though.