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Everything posted by nyesky

  1. I was randomly banned on us 579 for the reason "hacking" i went into the servers team speak and further investigated, i was really banned for apparently aborting while in combat. i didn't abort while being in combat nor does the server host have any proof of me doing so. The staff is just going by word to mouth and banned me with zero proof which i feel is an unreasonable ban.
  2. i have raided the admins clan 4 times over and i am absolutley decked out and would wish to stay with my current camp site, that is the only reason.
  3. now how can we either get me unbanned or this server black listed?
  4. so vertisce you would agree this was a bad case of admin abuse?
  5. my point is there is no proof of me abusing this exploit you aren't listening obviously. i understand aborting while in combat is against the rules which is why i havent abused it
  6. I DIDNT SPAWN BACK WITH ANY ITEMS I SPAWNED NORMALLY LIKE EVERYONE ELSE AND RAN BACK TO MY BASE. Plus after death i logged for atleast two hours to deal with other real life matters. i dont hack, i don't abuse abort. if you have actual proof instead of just saying i did such then this is obviously a waste of your time. By the way me and giftcard both died and 2 other friends there verified my body was there and that i didn't abort.
  7. Am i really the one who needs to supply proof here? no i am not id appreciate real actual proof from you. other wise i am perfectly clean and have not broken any rules as i've stated before.
  8. i was wrongly accused of aborting and if you are so strongly sure i did were is the proof, there is none because you cant prove someone guilty who hasn't done a crime