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About tommygunyeah

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  1. tommygunyeah

    DayZ - Mis-Adventures of Nooby (YouTube Videos)

    Been a fan of Nooby for a while now! Love your videos bro :D
  2. No option to update beta on US 2895 Can't even play on my server, just says Waiting for host
  3. Any closer to an ETA? Or at least a time when we can play on our servers?
  4. Yeah just got the patch come up on my control panel but nothing for the newest Beta meaning I can't update yet :( Weird things happening too, DayZ Commander and the Arma II in game browser wouldn't show or let me join my server, yet my Rcon tool is letting me on and showing 6 players online....strange ey. Oh well, hope everything is ready to go soon ^_^
  5. DaRT is pretty good, has logging functions and creates a player database so you can keep a record of all players who access your server. Obviously be careful who you let see this data :)
  6. The boats spawn on land due to the vehicles not saving. Some vehicles would turn into others when restarted eg, ATV - PBX, Blue Ural - UAZ, Flame Motor bike - Tractor, Huey - Tractor. So yeah this should be fixed.
  7. Howdy people! So just to keep regular players updated on the server and for easy reporting thought I'd make a thread on here. Little information on the server and us as a community! We are a new community based around the Youtuber Nooby Noobster who has made himself a big Youtuber through DayZ and many other games. We got the server about 2-3 weeks ago and everything has been running smoothly since. We have a small admin team for the server but we do provide 24/7 administration plus we are currently looking for more admins through the community. Server info US 2895 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 96063) [Veteran] [3DP:ON CH:ON] [GMT-7] dayzmod.com - hosted by Cuppy Cake Crew | SurvivalServers.com 40 slot Veteran 3DP: ON CH: ON Waypoints: ON Nameplates: OFF GMT -7 Restarts every day at 12am TeamSpeak info Cuppy~Cake Crew Plenty of Games Rooms A good sized community with lots of new and lovely people to meet. An amazing staff team! Anyone is welcome we are a loving community of gamers and we are happy to home any players :) Any issues with the server can go here Any questions I am happy to answer! Thanks Tommygunyeah
  8. The Rcon tool shows all messages sent, you are sending out Global admin messages, they are just talking in Direct chat and you can see that. If you are using DaRT there is an option to not show messages, check your settings :)
  9. tommygunyeah

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes, it's useless anyway.
  10. Yeah our providers found some fix on Reddit for us but DayZ Admins banned them from using it saying they want to thoroughly test it before they confirm it working.
  11. I'm a decent player, I don't combat log (only for hackers). I'm on about 35 days now still going strong, I have survived 3 hacker tp's, 2 heli crashes, numerous snipers and I have 0 murders and 0 bandit kills. I like to find vehicles and gear up my friends who are new spawns. I also survived a bridge with an ATV O_O
  12. Honestly, the way you guys are going Survival Servers could be big. Keep the fantastic support up with how it is now and you guys will be unstopable :D
  13. Contacted these guys yesterday, they seemed to be really busy with all the servers going out of stock an a huge boost in business. None the less they replied to my ticket in about 5 minutes, I had a great conversation with the guy on there who was really helpful. We eneded up pre-ordering a server. Was so easy and I would definatly reccomend these guys for their customer service :D Once I get the server up and running will post again reviewing the server :) Thanks guys for haing a top notch business model though!