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Everything posted by Toxic_Cyber

  1. I don't Know If This Is Right Are But, I am Getting In To mapping so I want to know! how To make a Map Based On DayZ?
  2. The New United Republic Quote "Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men." - John F. Kennedy Contents =========================================== Government Military Citizens Council/Congress Settlements/Camps 1. Government -- The Government Is controlled By The People of TNUR, they Vote For a Member Of there Camp(Settlemet) To have a Seat on the Council, And in the Captial The President is Voted Apon. It is Still handled by the council on if the Current Candidate meets the Requriements! The Government is a Republic/Democracy, This is why we Call our selfs "The Democracy Of the Apocalypse"! 2. Military -- The Military, is the Main Defense incase of Raids. It is also the Protection for Citizens in side of Settlements/Camps, The Private Sector For Government Is in charge of protecting the council and President. It strongly Resemples the U.S Marines, So if you join be prepered to go though training/Boot Camp! 3. Citizens -- Citizens, are the bulk of TNUR! They are responsable for Economy and Supplies, The Sell/Trade Items for Diffrent Items of Same or Lower Value. Trades for high are need for a amount of item equal to it in the amount to trade off for more. Citizens-Ships must be attained from The Council or Embasseders, When you get one you also get a Map of the Settlements(hosted on site)! 4. Council/Congress They Make the Laws, Hold Court for Criminals. They will controll TNUR In the absent of a Sutable Candidate for President, they also are in control of punshments for law breaking. Currently, we have no Council till we start setting up Camps an gain citizens for them!\ 5. Settlements/Camps Settlements/Camps are, what in terms form "The New United Republic". What we will have to do is have a huge Militaryforce, go in clear it out and guarded it, to form it(for Big Areas) Other Wise We tend to stay away from citys like Cherno & Electro. The Military will be in charge of protection, be ready to work for the protection Citizens! Want To Join TNUR ============================= Just Fill out Our application! Age: Timezone: Gender: RP Experience: Country: Gaming Experience: Name: Wallpapers
  3. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Seely You are in but what part do you want Military Or Government You are all citizens so!
  4. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    When Accepted You will be PM the Tunngle Info(Network)! So, If you are in now Be ready!
  5. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    antiavenger Your are in But What Part And Jirog PM me after a week in DayZ k!
  6. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Ok we are Open An I fixed the Theard So Enjoy and If you want apply!
  7. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Updated, We are starting Offical Right about Now! If you want in apply if you were in before PM me!
  8. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Sorry Bout that My PC is Glitched So!
  9. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Sorry Bout that My PC is Glitched So!
  10. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Sorry Bout that My PC is Glitched So!
  11. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    This Thread Is Closed I am Openig a New One To Improve it!
  12. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    For Government You Must Be In The Councl So, Yes There Are a Few Open! And, Dallas Three is not Our Current Home!
  13. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Xkopic You are In And Son What Part Do you want in to?
  14. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    You need To Do the App!
  15. Toxic_Cyber

    [Qustion]how To make a Map Based On DayZ?

    I know like how to design one, Just Not oh to make it For it, Can You all help me!
  16. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Its Was Going To Be Burning One, I need It to Form A Flag, So I choose one.. I Allow All non-amercans as long as you can speak english.
  17. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    I May Host one, But For Now We are Just May stay on Dallas 3!
  18. Toxic_Cyber

    [Qustion]how To make a Map Based On DayZ?

    Thanks For The help, I will start work on The out Line of The Map!
  19. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Welch You are In, What Branch Government, Military, or Civilan!
  20. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Ok, Im Heading To Bed.. So, Post Somestuff and I will Be back 5:51 P.M Central Time!
  21. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Thanks For The Support!
  22. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Also PM The Area You Want In.
  23. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Yea, I know But Im Willing To Put In The Effort.. An If We all Who Want in can, We Could OverCome that!