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About Toxic_Cyber

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  • Interests
    Film Making
  1. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Seely You are in but what part do you want Military Or Government You are all citizens so!
  2. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    When Accepted You will be PM the Tunngle Info(Network)! So, If you are in now Be ready!
  3. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    antiavenger Your are in But What Part And Jirog PM me after a week in DayZ k!
  4. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Ok we are Open An I fixed the Theard So Enjoy and If you want apply!
  5. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Updated, We are starting Offical Right about Now! If you want in apply if you were in before PM me!
  6. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Sorry Bout that My PC is Glitched So!
  7. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Sorry Bout that My PC is Glitched So!
  8. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Sorry Bout that My PC is Glitched So!
  9. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    This Thread Is Closed I am Openig a New One To Improve it!
  10. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    For Government You Must Be In The Councl So, Yes There Are a Few Open! And, Dallas Three is not Our Current Home!
  11. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Xkopic You are In And Son What Part Do you want in to?
  12. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    You need To Do the App!
  13. Toxic_Cyber

    [Qustion]how To make a Map Based On DayZ?

    I know like how to design one, Just Not oh to make it For it, Can You all help me!
  14. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Its Was Going To Be Burning One, I need It to Form A Flag, So I choose one.. I Allow All non-amercans as long as you can speak english.
  15. Toxic_Cyber

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    I May Host one, But For Now We are Just May stay on Dallas 3!