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About Riokusu

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Personally had no problem with vehicles like that for our group, we had 6 (Bus, little red speed-o car, pickemup, uval, ATV, and a UAZ). The problem we had was people hounding the map 24/7 looking for our vehicles, that is literally ALL anyone on that server did, so we ditched it haha.
  2. Nevermind that some areas are completely unplayable due to glitches introduced from Rocket moving to, it's DEFINITELY the hackers that are ruining this game. Right guys? Right...Uh, guys? Learn how to prioritize correctly.
  3. Riokusu

    my issues

    "No one wants to log into the game, spend hours scavenging for gear, only to be killed by a jerk on a roof with a sniper rifle. There is no bigger turn off to continue playing a game when hours of work are destroyed by something outside of your control." Are you dumb?
  4. Riokusu

    Sniping Gone Bad!

    Learn to use your ears, and spot better as well, also don't post a video of someone d/cing
  5. Riokusu

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    I found a UAZ in the woods filled with goodies, i'm talking about everything you ever wanted. I manage to take some of it out but want to swap the anti-material rifle for a DMR instead, but it won't let me. I figure this is server lag, so I try reconnecting - it takes me well over 30 minutes. When I finally get back into the server i'm spawned on top of a tree and the ghillie suit and other things I snagged are no longer on my person. So yeah, I died. Server was LA22 by the way - and if that person who had the UAZ is reading this, I remember exactly where you stash it