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Posts posted by InnerDogg

  1. Thats just handy for you right? That you deleted the video. Hence therefor byebye proof. Hence meaning your starting argument is worth NOTHING anymore.

    Please dont try to talk shit about me in public.Curgon ( DayZ Forum Mod) tried to do the same about my server, after i've proven I was right, and he was not cleared of cheating, he deleted the topic. You should do the same mate.

    Next time talk to me in private or be ready to get burned in public :).

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  2. First off, teh name is InnerDogg. Get it right please. Secondly shady? Who's being shady mate? 9-11 fps and moving vehicle and u 1 shot someone? I'd say THATS shady! I turned off the server 2 reasons: mass lag FPS and update.

    But as u command, i've fixed the lag in my server. Please rejoin so u can see what it feels like..

