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Posts posted by resin_

  1. Alright! Lets do some troubleshooting.

    Option 1.) If you're not already on, update to that version. Then try connecting to servers running an older version of DayZ, it might shake something loose and respawn you on the beach.

    Option 2.) Try joining a Canadian server. Sounds weird I know, but their debug forest is supposedly in a different place and you might be able to break free.

    Good luck!

  2. I don't understand why (and no offense) so many people need rpg-like features in a game to make it more enjoyable. Every game is like that now, and the reason this mod is so popular is because it's not like any other game in the market.

  3. Typically when I see these messages, it says missing file bla bla bla, which leads me to believe either:

    A.) The person deleted these files thinking they will be able to see hiding people in game better, etc.

    B.) These files just never got downloaded to begin with, and they need to verify their game cache.

    I'm leaning way more towards B, because I know while people can get away with editing textures, I'm not sure if the game will launch with missing models. I highly doubt it is a ban-able offense, due to B, but funnier things have happened. Just my guess!
