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Posts posted by resin_

  1. Can't wait for the new revision  :D


    For those complaining about them not addressing the teleport/rubberband and character wipe issues: just a guess, but both of these issues might be a result of the hive (aka official database) not "updating" quick enough. Without going into further detail, I think the "private shard/hive" support coming in the next patch may relieve this issue.

  2. You spawn on the coast (east coast now) because it "balances" things out. Farther run to military spawns. However the mosin can be found in residential areas, so maybe he beat you there by a few minutes and found one  :P

  3. Refreshing to see someone new to DayZ enjoying the alpha and not complaining on the forums! Good luck out there!


    Most of your ideas/feedback have to do with scripting, which is most of the Arma engine (and is an ongoing process). Be patient, things will be fixed/added in time!
