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Everything posted by resin_

  1. resin_

    bayonet Maylay question

    This hasn't been implemented yet, I'm sure it's coming down the road though.
  2. This is a known issue, I'm sure it's being worked on.
  3. resin_

    private Hive after patch

    If I had to guess, yes; but it's still up in the air at this point.
  4. Can't wait for the new revision :D For those complaining about them not addressing the teleport/rubberband and character wipe issues: just a guess, but both of these issues might be a result of the hive (aka official database) not "updating" quick enough. Without going into further detail, I think the "private shard/hive" support coming in the next patch may relieve this issue.
  5. resin_

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    Initially, before the release, I was liking the modding idea; I'm slightly against it now. The mod has so many variations at this point that it should meet anyone's modding needs, I say we keep the SA "Vanilla".
  6. This happened to one of our group yesterday, I'm sure it's a high priority fix. He was able to stop sliding by relogging (luckily didn't respawn), and we fixed him up.
  7. resin_

    First Encounter

    You spawn on the coast (east coast now) because it "balances" things out. Farther run to military spawns. However the mosin can be found in residential areas, so maybe he beat you there by a few minutes and found one :P
  8. http://dayzdb.com/map Your best friend ;)
  9. resin_

    Day Z desync?

    Sure you got everything? If your still having issues you may want to dig a bit deeper, or reformat. A nice reformat is always nice ;)
  10. resin_

    Where is the best place to pk people

    East coast for sure now. Other than that, anywhere but the woods lol. Balota Airfield has been a hot-spot since the SA release.
  11. resin_

    Running Simulator SA HELP.

    This is a known issue, hopefully will be cleared up soon.
  12. resin_

    Zombie bait

    Alternatively (and possibly more realistically), throwing something like a tin can to attract them in a direction with sound may be more... viable.
  13. This issue is in the process of being resolved, read the last few patch's notes.
  14. resin_

    In-Game Video Settings?

    Do a quick Google search, there's guides out there for further optimization (at a config level).
  15. resin_

    Receiving... Error

    Shot in the dark here, but try updating your graphics drivers. If your maintaining connection, it seems like it could have something to do with rendering.
  16. The same server only? Sounds as though your router isn't allocating dynamic IPs correctly. Definitely a router issue.
  17. resin_

    Battle of the Tech Center

    Damn, wish I didn't miss that lol
  18. The legendary can opener, so rare, so majestic.
  19. resin_

    Miles or Kilometers?

    ^^ What he said. (KM)
  20. resin_

    So I thought this may be cool

    While I like the idea (realism baby!), my initial thought was that it would get ignored in a game with modern ARs. Just my opinion however!
  21. Try verifying the game cache, you can do this by right clicking the game in your steam library, and selecting properties. The option is in there ;)
  22. resin_

    Thoughts on DayZ as a Noob

    Refreshing to see someone new to DayZ enjoying the alpha and not complaining on the forums! Good luck out there! Most of your ideas/feedback have to do with scripting, which is most of the Arma engine (and is an ongoing process). Be patient, things will be fixed/added in time!
  23. resin_

    East side spawns only?

    This was implemented with the last revision ;)
  24. resin_

    h0w to make friends in day z

    Hello Friends! (Unsheaths shovel)
  25. Such intelligence, much patience, wow