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Everything posted by BrianPanda

  1. My friend and I were walking along the coast a couple days ago when we stumbled across a new player. We were quite intimidating seeing as though we were decked out with Ghillie suits and snipers. We were offering our assistance when we realized that he was either afk or trying to slip into one of our bags to grab our secondary weapons. We were standing there long enought that he could have connected and talked to us, I would say a good 3 minutes, anyway we kept a safe distance, and we decided, if he wasn't going to respond and make us feel silly for talking to an away player, we are going to take him out. My friend shit him in the head, he died and I shot his dead body and we ran away. The real reason I posted this, was because we felt a tad bit guilty and wanted to say SORRY DUDE! We were going to give you food, we are currently on a suicide mission so we had no use for it after all!
  2. BrianPanda

    If we killed you... Sorry?

    Light practice is all it takes :P
  3. BrianPanda

    If we killed you... Sorry?

    Im on a 12 or 13 day old character, that suicide mission proved non profitable. Who would think that on an almost completely filled server, NO ONE would be in Elektro :P
  4. BrianPanda

    Looking for a Friendly survivor

    I have a youtube channel for you to check out, Hi I'm Brian, and i would care to have you in my group, if you are willing to reconsider, for we are trying to expand. Here is the link:http://www.youtube.c...me?feature=mhee you can see for yourself that we do not 'jump' people, we are friendly enough to take players under our wings.
  5. I have recently been accused of "combat logging". I, however, do not see it that way. I looked into the guys posts and, I'm not mentioning names, but he seems to be on everyone and their mothers asses about combat logging, so I cant exactly take his 'expert opinion' all that seriously. Bare with me, I was in a truck that exploded, I was driving and we hit a tree with a red engine. I hardly survived, I healed myself before getting knocked out then later disconnected. I come back in to have my friend give me a blood transfusion, and I live to tell the tail. Now, I simply do not see where the combat logging took place. There were ZERO SHOTS FIRED and I bandaged myself BEFORE I disconnected, which meant, I had to lay in the same spot till my guy woke from his slumber to do so. That took roughly 3 minutes, if anyone was trying to kill me, they were REALLY bad at the game, because none of their shots came close enough for me to hear them. I posted this topic, because I want ALL of you people who are soooo against disconnecting to know, NOT EVERY SINGLE SCENARIO IS "combat logging". Get a grip, take a second glance at the information, and you should (should) see the difference, now, If i had been shot at and disconnected, I would be the asshole, but, I did not. I am the type who likes to put all of their cards on the table so here is what I did NOT include in the original post. NOT INCLUDED IN ORIGINAL THREAD: I did disconnect at one point, only because I though it fair that the bandits, that LATER (an hour after) shot at me, could have what ever we had in the truck, in exchange for our lives. Lets just say they didn't go back to camp with frowns on their faces.
  6. BrianPanda

    Accused of "Combat Logging"?

    Re-read the post, I was shot LATER not at the time.
  7. BrianPanda

    us85 huge base to be raided

    Agreed! Although, there are people supporting this thread as saying they have been on the island (no one said they were on that server, not calling anyone out) that just may show how far some bandits will go to get some free kills, I do appreciate the strategy, if there is one that is <_< ...
  8. BrianPanda

    Accused of "Combat Logging"?

    I admit to disconnecting at that point, but I have done it only that one time. Never before or after that, but the last part was beside that point. Seems redundant, I know, but with the information given, there was no reason to call me a "combat logger" Not going to lie, I got really startled by the sound of that gunfire, just kinda did it.
  9. BrianPanda

    Why we need the respawn button

    Oh, and suggesting hacking and trying to call me out on how the game isnt supposed to be played is ingenious!
  10. BrianPanda

    Looking for a Friendly survivor

    Side Note: We are NOT bandits, but we are NOT friendly. We are cautious with new people, and if you join, you run the risk of being shot, we play in US servers and we are from Eastern America. If your schedule plays well with ours, we would be happy to have you as part of the group. And we are also 15-16 years old.
  11. BrianPanda

    Looking for a Friendly survivor

    Dude, Im sorry, I am looking for people to join a group of mine on this forum, but you should be a bit more careful who you pick. You are welcome to join my group, if you can properly take care of yourself with a little help. We will not 'take care of' or 'baby' you. We are semi-serious. Oh, and if you are a bandit, I will have you know now... You stand NO chance against my group.
  12. I have a decent sized group, we are strict, you mess with us, we kill you. May seem harsh, but we are cautious, and will punish those who need punishment. Message me if you are looking for a fun group to be in, but serious when they need to be. Don't try to swindle us, for I promise you it will end in your demise. Thanks for reading, and MESSAGE ME! Listen buddy, game over.
  13. BrianPanda

    Recruiting for 'The Chinchillas'

    You're funny.
  14. BrianPanda

    Recruiting for 'The Chinchillas'

    I know dying is an inevitability. But I am not in any rush. Oh, and the sending "one" of our buddies in to meet him doesn't inspire the best of confidence. I'm not calling anyone a lier, but I just don't trust it. And I think you are missing the point of me saying I have an 11 day character. I just wanted to create a point. We are not too well armed, we are just looking for people.
  15. BrianPanda

    Recruiting for 'The Chinchillas'

    I have an 11 day character, you see, that I am looking to keep.
  16. BrianPanda

    Recruiting for 'The Chinchillas'

    Thanks for the understanding.
  17. BrianPanda

    Recruiting for 'The Chinchillas'

    Sorry pal, you've been a member of this forum for roughly 25 minutes. In other words, I do not believe you are new, I think you are a bandit, and you would like to kill me and my colleagues. Again, sorry that it didn't work out.
  18. BrianPanda

    Why we need the respawn button

    P.S. Don't attack supporters!
  19. BrianPanda

    Why we need the respawn button

    My give a shit meter is running real low on that one buddy.
  20. BrianPanda

    Why we need the respawn button

    The respawn button had more ups than downs. I mean, my friends and I have been able to find eachother once found dead, but the process has extended drastically since the respawn button has been removed. Understood, you get a good kill in a city like Elektro and you get great loot and next thing you know, the guy you just killed either hacks you to death with a hatchet or you take a bullet or 8 in the head. The respawn button is a must whilst playing DayZ. Long Live Z Day!
  21. This is a hacker that was caught on film by me. I have no affiliation with him, nor do my friends featured in the video. I will relinquish any weapons or items given to me by the hacker, if requested by a dayz official. In the video featured, this hacker spawns two helicopters as well as two SUVs. I respect the dayz community and that is why i have recorded this modder in action. Who ever is the owner of this site, and you see this, let me know and like i said, i will drop ALL of the equipment he gave me, or maybe you can send me a list of what to drop to make the game more fair for other players. Either way, i would like to hear back.