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About elcoyote23

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. elcoyote23

    You need to be able to "lose" zombies...

    I think there should be a way to hide or something. Once they are targeted on you it seems they know where you are even if they can't see you. It's the same idea when they hear a gunshot, how do the know EXACTLY where you are? It seems like there should be an intermediary "aware/suspicious" state where they know someone is close and they start searching, but don't run in that crazy bee line straight at your face since they don't know your exact location until they actually sense you directly. Same thing should happen if they lose sight of you and you take cover, they should enter that state and start looking for you not being sure where you are exactly. Now as it is they run straight for you. With the way things work now, all you have to do is run in a building so they slow to a walk, sometime they kind of bug out and can't even figure out how to get into the barn/warehouse or whatever. It's goofy that you can be fine in the barn, and they either are walking slowly inside or outside not being able to figure out to get in, but even if you try to sneak out a back door they automatically sprint straight for you.
  2. elcoyote23

    Spawning at coast

    Lol, it's funny how DayZ has created both crybabies and "be a real man!" people on both extremes. Don't pretend that you don't get at least a little annoyed when the game breaks and dooms you. The game is awesome and frustrating at the same time, and yes, everyone knows it's in Alpha, but you gotta cut people some slack, the thing does some shitty stuff sometimes. I got spawned back at the beach after previously being far north and I was definitely like "WTF!" and even had to unload my last sks mag into some random wannabe bandit noob that thought I was a chump, but I bandaged myself up and headed north for the woods and all was well. I just thanked the Dayz survivor god I was still alive and went on with my life (still alive and well thank you), but I feel people's pain when things bug out and get all glitchy. It definitely almost got me earlier when the game ate a bunch of my ammo and left me dry. Luckily I've got good zed horde juking skills unlike my buddy who lagged out and thus got chewed on allowing me a few more seconds of zed dodging.
  3. I think finding a bicycle would be pretty badass actually. Imagine looking down at a road from a nice vantage point and seeing a dude pedaling his ass off on his bike with a bunch of zeds after him. They are hilarious in vanilla arma, I don't think having a few here and there in Dayz would throw things off. You're pretty vulnerable on a bike, and imagine how mad you'd be when somebody kills you and steals it, and while you are bleeding out you'll see them hop on and pedal off all goofy like. It would be a fun way to get around, but it would be dangerous so I think it would still be balanced.
  4. elcoyote23

    Build Hotfix

    Excited about the update and the changes seem interesting. I was definitely like "why the hell can't I eat or drink...SHIT!" before I figured it out. "Hey there's woodpiles sitting around now?!" I had some weird glitches earlier though, I don't know if it was lag or what exaclty. I had 3 1911 mags but I started shooting at a group of Zeds chasing me and something glitched and I had no ammo, I never reloaded or anything, never had the chance. I had literally just pulled the 3 clips out of my bag and placed them into the the secondary weapon slots, saw them there and everything right before the action went down but they disappeared somehow. I survived but my friend got eaten lol. He was mad at me because I told him "once we hit this hill and we hit the incline I'm going to spin around and get them off us" I took out 3 zeds with the first clip, went to reload and there was nothing. Before I knew it he was getting chewed on and I had to take off with 0 ammo.
  5. elcoyote23

    10 minutes before you're on the beach.

    A lot of it must have been lost in the water when you had to swim to shore.
  6. elcoyote23

    I really like DayZ, but...

    All I have to say is that I have always been hearing people on BF3 servers talking about how everyone should go play ARMA, and I had never seen it. I kept hearing about it and DAYZ came out was a big deal so I decided to check it out and was impressed with the mod despite the bugs. Since it's so hard to get into a DAYZ servers sometimes I decided to check out the vanilla version with another friend and we were having a great time in the normal game. Needless to say, I probably would have never played ARMA if it wasn't for DAYZ, and my friend and I are both actual Veterans, US Navy and Marines, so all this BS about it keeping the purity of it's "military simness" and new players corrupting it is a bit annoying.