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Everything posted by Kerr

  1. Hey y'all, I've always wondered.. how the hell do you get the bandit type skin? Y'know that cream coloured one, with the hood type thing? You almost look like an assassin or some crazy sh*t.
  2. Hi there, was recording then some funny shit went down, subscribe to my channel if you would like to see more videos :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y3zzOGIeqw&feature=youtu.be
  3. Kerr

    Day Z Videos

    Hi there, was recording then some funny shit went down, subscribe to my channel if you would like to see more videos :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y3zzOGIeqw&feature=youtu.be
  4. Hi, I'm looking for a clan or a team to join, as playing DayZ alone isn't as fun. I have been playing DayZ since early Alpha stages. I know how to play the game, I like to play strategically. Info about myself: - 18 Years Old Male - Playing DayZ since Alpha - Good team skills - All round good player If you would like me to team up with you then please private message! Thanks!
  5. I'm pretty sure this will have happened to everyone, if not, most people.. Picture the scene.. Your a fresh spawned survivor, minding your own business. You decide to head for the nearest city to gather weapons and supplies. On your way there you stop by a lake to fill up some empty water bottles you found. *Footsteps approach from behind*.. Curious as to what the noise could be, you turn around to find yourself staring in the face of another SURVIVOR mad axe man! You type furiously in direct chat and speak through your mic telling him several times you are friendly.. he doesn't listen. You run out of breath and need to rest, *WHACK*.. You've just been hit by the axe, you start to bleed profusely. Your vision goes blurry, passing in and out of consciousness.. Your life slips away before you know it. And well, the axe man gets what out of this? That was my story guys, this is what happened to me. Axe men out there, why do you do this sort of thing? WHY?!
  6. Hi, I'm looking to team/meet up with someone, I am from the United Kingdom so preferably you would need to be from the UK or Europe too as I go on European and UK servers. Hit me up with a private message if your interested in teaming up, or reply to this post, thanks!
  7. Kerr

    You're favorate weapon in DayZ?

    Tin cans? Are you for real? *Sigh* My 2 fav guns at the moment: 1. M4A1 CCO SD (Its accurate and good for medium-long range fire fights and its SILENT!) 2. AS50 Sniper Rifle (If you use the right ammo this gun is deadly, 1 hit kill, your victim never knew what hit him!)
  8. Kerr

    Trading LOTS of Guns & Ammo + Ghillie

    Hi I'm interested in some of those items, hit me up on Skype? SKYPE: kerr.macgowan
  9. #If you have Skype so we can chat that would also be good!
  10. I know a lot of you "Survivors" who fresh spawn in take the "Kill On Sight" approach. Many of times I have been killed by fresh spawns with pistols or fucking axes, why do you feel the need to take this approach?
  11. Just letting everyone out there know, that on server FR100 there are a group of hackers on the game. It started off in Elektro, they spared my life and spawned in ATV's and a chopper. They then came back for me and my friend and attempted to kill us, however, they crashed the helicopter and we looted them and drove off into the country side far away. About 20 minutes pass and we hear another chopper above us, it was the hackers, they proceeded to kill us. They obviously know the location of every player in the game, they must be stopped. I don't have any proof/evidence such as screenshots, but trust me. If you come on this server, you are more than likely going to become a victim of these hackers.
  12. Kerr

    DayZ Nova Squad >Recruiting<

    Okay, well how do I find out if I have been accepted?
  13. Kerr

    Day-Z Squad

    Skype = kerr.macgowan
  14. Kerr

    Looking for NVGs+Gps

    I have both of what you are looking for, do you have Skype?
  15. Kerr

    Trading things (Some rare items)

    I sent you a private message, check it out, or hit me up on Skype @ kerr.macgowan
  16. Kerr

    DayZ Nova Squad >Recruiting<

    I applied on your forum, I also added Sam (mrbling1999) on Skype. He has yet to accept my contact request.
  17. Hey, I'm basically looking for a clan or a group of people to team up with. I'm 18 years old, I play the game seriously but like to have fun too. I am only interested in teaming up with people who are already geared up and ready to go (and who are experienced in the game). I have been playing DayZ for over a month now and would class myself as a skilful player, I know all the main loot spots, how to repair vehicles and how to move across the map undetected by other enemies. If you would like me to join your clan or team, or find out more about me then feel free to message me via the forums, or simply add me via Skype @ kerr.macgowan Thanks
  18. Hi, I am very keen and interested in joining your clan, however, I understand you can't just accept any old players into your clan. I will tell you a little bit about myself and the role I would like to be and why I have decided to choose that role. Sniper/Spotter I would like to become a vigilante/spotter and a sniper because that is the main role I play at the moment. I am currently kitted out already with a DMR and plenty of ammunition. I have been playing DayZ for well over a month now and I would class myself as a somewhat skilled player. I am looking for an experienced clan/team to join and Elysium seems perfect for me. I am a very chilled back guy, always up for a laugh but at the same time I like to play the game from a serious point of view, but of course have fun at the same time. I would class myself as a good sniper, I know how to use zeroing effectively and I know how to use different types of sniper rifles. I'm a good marksman and vigilante. If Elysium was to raid/loot a town or city etc, I would always be prepared, I would watch over them with binoculars, and scout the surroundings looking out for any trouble or any signs of other survivors/bandits in the area. Thanks, Kerr
  19. Hi there, I seem to meet all of the requirements for your clan. I will tell you a little bit about myself and why I wish to join. - I am 18 years of age - I am from the United Kingdom - I am mature for my age - I play the game on a daily basis - I like to play seriously but have fun also I would like to join the "Hellsing" clan as it seems the right sort of clan for me. I have never been in any previous clans or organisations, joining Hellsing's would be a good thing for me, it would teach me a lot of things. And I'm sure, as a team, we would work together perfectly and really achieve the goals your clan is looking to achieve. Please get back to me via the forums or feel free to contact me on Skype @ kerr.macgowan Thanks, Kerr
  20. Hey everyone, I have created an unofficial facebook community page for DayZ. The facebook page will keep you updated on everything related to DayZ, we will post fun pictures and just everything about DayZ. Please spread the word and LIKE the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/DayZ/348839635193694 Thanks, see you later!
  21. New link to it: http://www.facebook.com/DayZGame
  22. Ok sorry, just trying to promote a good cause, an awesome game and a place where the community can come together