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Everything posted by miano

  1. miano

    banned from us 913

    Another third party observer here.... I also agree that it seems like both parties are acting immature in certain cases (though I admit I would be pretty aggravated if I suspected admin abuse). But it clearly shows that the admin is the one acting fishy here... Reasons being (stated earlier by other posters, just reiterating) Admin changed his reasons from DC'ing from a firefight, to using hacked weapons (and since he has posted his logs he has yet to address that issue of his original accusation) Admin failed to provide the logs as requested in a timely fashion. He gives the bogus excuse of saying that he refuses "to provide these Trolls the logs", even though that doing so earlier would've diffused this situation earlier and would've benefited the community (as the admin claimed, the community he loves so much). Admin showed blatant disrespect to community members (even members who aren't really involved in this situation, members like me who are just throwing in their two cents). This reason alone should be enough for an admin to lose their privileges. But also, this type of name-calling aggressive behavior is a sign of panicked defensiveness. I'd like to also point out that the couple people who have been supporting the admin (namely Mack17 and SithLord) have only recently registered within a couple days from today. Hmmmmm...... As an admin, you are given serious privileges as well as certain responsibilities (like providing server logs when you are being accused of admin abuse, regardless if you think they are trolls or you are beta testing another game). It's true for DayZ, and it's true for all games with communities out there, your primary responsibility as admin is to serve the community. There mere thought of an admin abusing his/her rights is downright despicable. I sincerely hope that I am wrong here.