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Posts posted by krystar

  1. why not just adopt a mechanic like MMORPG games. if u alt-f4 / task manager kill process/lose connection, your in-game character only acknowledges a loss of command stream, not disappearing off the server. your character only disappeares off server if there's no zombies are aggroed on you and no connected players within X yards (200-300 seems reasonable to curb mid fight alt-f4) and only if noone has you acquired in sniper sights.

    so if you're going to log off, do it out in the middle of nowhere.

    also, a log in mechanic. when logging in, stall a logging in player until their login area is clear (200-300 yards). prevents from people just showing up behind you.

    additionally, would add to mechanics of gameplay if you were able to tag another player as friendly. this way, if you were at your clan camp and everyone around you is tagged friendly, those players would be exempt from the logoff check as mentioned above. friendly players might also have name tag overhead within 20yd range. would help the constant question "hey is that you?" at 20yards, you'd facially recognize somebody even if ingame graphic limitations and 3d models can't render that detail.

    also, can we change the default "guns pointed up" mode. or at least have option to go guns down, guns up, gun stowed. as a survivor, keeping pistol or even assault rifle pointing up and on target for hours is not only tiring but impossible. it's also funny to see two people "hey i'm friendly!" and approach each other guns drawn.
