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Everything posted by ChuggaLugMugga

  1. ChuggaLugMugga

    US 650 Ban Appeal (Admin Abuse)

    I have had a very similar problem with a Clan server, US 1407. Which seems to be owned by a clan that goes by =DiG=. They had a camp just north of Skalka at around 019,017. I was playing with two of my buddies and since we took most of their weapons and all 20 some ghille suits they rolled back the server so they could obtain all of their stuff back. We made another trip last night there to find the camp again just south east of the original one. YET AGAIN they do a rollback that same night..... I hope a person from the DayZ team can look into both these events and stop the admin abuse. I hate admin abuse so much.
  2. ChuggaLugMugga

    DayZ Kickstarter

    Yes!! Please start this great idea up! :thumbsup: I know that most people who love this game like me will definitely support as much as they can, lets get this going.
  3. ChuggaLugMugga

    To the =DiG= Clan

    Thank you for the truck :) Lol that was one of my most intense situations in DayZ thus far so thanks for that! -One Man Army