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Everything posted by detcord

  1. Created in the editor and edited in Sony Vegas.
  2. detcord

    Actual Cinematic Trailer (Unofficial)

    Make some noise and tell them I need access to the editor portions.
  3. detcord

    Actual Cinematic Trailer (Unofficial)

    I'd like to thank everyone that watched and enjoyed this cinematic video. That said, my intention of doing a full-length episode came to a complete halt once the editor options were disabled. I had voice actors and the MP scripts ready. Pretty fuckin' sad if you ask me. Hats off to the DayZ team for hampering a video production with a already plummeting server population.
  4. detcord

    Actual Cinematic Trailer (Unofficial)

    Considering that every DayZ video I've come across isn't cinematic, though some claim to be, it is still a fitting thread title.
  5. detcord

    Actual Cinematic Trailer (Unofficial)

    I specifically said it was unofficial.
  6. detcord

    DayZ Cinematic Screens

    Thought DayZ could use a few more screens we typically see in the previews, more of the promotional type stuff by the devs. I'll be adding a few here and there. These are not transferable without my explicit permission.