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Everything posted by WilsonXRS

  1. WilsonXRS

    Apocalypse Racing Video

    Race Event on the WilsonSMP: Lingor Island Private Hive server. [/url[/media]
  2. Yeah people can loot your shit so make sure you place your tent in a smart location.
  3. WilsonXRS

    Annoying beep in towns(?)

    Sounds like a swing or a metal fence door. Just ambient noise.
  4. Tents, wire fencing, tank traps, bear traps, etc will only be on the server you placed them on. Your inventory and last location is global.
  5. WilsonXRS

    Vehicles in General

    1. Cars are the best loot in the game (I'm sure you can guess why). Once someone finds a car, their mission is to repair as quickly as they can and get the fuck outta there. They drive the vehicle somewhere off in the woods (most likely at or near their camp) and use it when they need it. You have a better chance finding vehicles in the middle of no where, the good thing about this is that they will be fully repair and full of gas. 2. From what I've read or heard... if the car gets destroyed or is not used in 24 hours, it respawns at the original location. 3. No, cars are saved just like tents.