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About Torti

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I trust other players until they shoot at me or their voice seems hostile. I do that because i enjoy the game the most when i play together with people i trust/or when there is this tension of whether or not i should trust this stranger. I play this way because it is fun to me. If it is fun to somebody to go full pvp and shoot everyone on sight thats also perfectly fine. It's a sandbox after all.
  2. Thanks, most of it i allready knew but there were some interesting points. Please take my beans sir.
  3. I started playing 4 days ago. My first 4-5 lifes where pretty short. I felt frustrated sometimes because i couldn't find loot spots/accesible buildings and i often atracted zombies, which often wounded/killed me. But it was a riveting experience feeling helpless and threatened in a game instead of invincible/easy mode gameplay. Thats why i bought Arma only for dayz. The morphine also added to this great experience. Crawling from a barn into a big city getting unconscious every minute with low blood and a broken leg was a really true gaming experience. But this harder start makes it easier in the mid term in my view because you have to learn to avoid zombies in the beginning and you also know now the importance of morphine.
  4. Torti

    The Adrenaline Status - Stop ALT+F4ing

    Very good idea indeed. Maybe this adrenaline status should also trigger when having the attention of zombies or being shot at by other players. And the penalties are not that harsh if you ask me. But maybe there is no need for banning/warning. Just instant death, while the death body/loot is still existing would be enough in my view.
  5. Torti

    Tips on Not Getting Shot on Sight

    Thanks for the tips Taggert. That name thing is a very good one. I feel stupid for not trying it before. And regarding the 1911 and the revolver, yeah they are sadly no longer one body shot killers. But dont know if its Day Z or this new Arma II patch.
  6. Thanks for the vid, awesome work. I agree with the sound of his voice being a little bit to low but should be easy to fix. Allways nice to see an experienced perspective, even if i'm not a total newb there is allways something to learn. Keep up the awesome work!
  7. Torti

    FPS Breakdown

    First of all it can be server dependent. I normally have 30-35fps but there where some servers with 5fps for me. What helped me at least gain over 30fps was: Vsync = off Abufilter = low Antialiasing = off object detail = low shadows = off/low post process = low I also changed some fpsvalues to 1 in the arma 2 and arma 2 oa config files. That and other stuff is explained in the link below http://dayzmod.com/f...se-performance/ Performance degrease over time happens sometimes to me and a server disconnect and reconnect helps. Downside is that it looks like you are using this alt+f4 move, but well. Your harddrive may also cause lower fps, making more free space on it/defrag may help. I should mention that Arma II and Arma II AO run smoothly on my system on highest settings with 50-60 fps. It's a DayZ issue i presume. There is also this weird mounted harddrive "solution", which did not work for me but might be worth trying.
  8. Good god am i relieved. I thought my english was so bad that i couldn't understand a simple question, but others seem to struggle too. Well good luck with your high iq sir.