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Everything posted by SteadyChaos

  1. US 559 at about 2:45pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) player mick logged off to avoid death. Me and one other were outside our base when my friend was killed (didn't hear a shot but might just be a sound bug he had as50). after about 5 min standoff i finally spotted him before he spotted me and took my shot with the DMR. It hit him he started bleeding he took off running and the next shot apparently knocked him out because he laid down like he was dead and i didn't get a bandit kill murder or get a message saying that someone has been killed. What i did get was player MICK is loosing connection. I took a few more shots he disappeared making off with our as50. He was no longer on our server list (Out of the 16 players online at the time he was the only one that was no longer on the list). I am not sure if this is were i should post this or if anything will be done but just wanted to put this out there so you could investigate... Incidents like this are ruining the game (Not random sniping. Combat logging, just wanted to clarify that.) Thank you for taking your time to read this and i hope that the appropriate actions will be taken.
  2. SteadyChaos

    Played Logged off to avoid death.

    While he was laying there a took a few shots at him and sparks shot out like i was hitting a car or something. don't know if you can shoot someones gun but it seemed to be shielding him