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Everything posted by Bulk
I would like to see rewards myself. Active ones that will make a HUGE impact on gameplay. 1. You can only have one skill. 2. The skill is random. 3. The action the skill is related to, unless it's a "luck" based action , will go faster/use less material and cannot be used on ones self. That's it. You have a medical skill? Well then you can stabilize someone ELSE faster! You have a car repair skill? Nascar speed tire changes! Your skill repairing guns? Well then you can fix this gun, or optic, and not use up all the spare parts in your inventory. Maybe your a good cook? Now ruined food can be cooked! Technicians can repair ruined/damaged electrical gear. Handymen can fix multiple bags with a single Roll of tape. (badly damaged clothing/bags randomly loose stuff) There's loads of utility perks that people could attain. But nothing should be a skill that could be used to help a person in combat directly, and in an offensive manner. (Argue medical skill being a leg up in combat here)
That $7k "hunting rifle" (It's a survival gun) has about $6000 worth of engraving done to it, and about $500 worth of wood put on it. So it's stats seem about spot on in terms of accuracy. Now that's not to say that it isn't reliable. That is a breach action gun. It's going to make a Mosin look like an M-16 in terms of reliability. (Hope this gun has a higher durability rating than other guns to reflect this.)
Who else wants the music to be added into game?
Bulk replied to over9000nukez's topic in General Discussion
If Rocket or whomever is in charge of sounds wants to put in music. Sure. I'm all for it. It'll make stalking all the easier. -
Since there's no real drawbacks to bandits being bandits, unless the person your about to merc is less than 10m away from you (good job Rocket Nerf the funnest way to murder or be murdered!) the needs to be something. Something to make being a bandit a pain in the ass somewhat. Why not: "THE HUNGER" ? Basically, because your killing 3-4+ people in the span of an hour (thus keeping your bandit skin) your beginning to enjoy it (much like the player does) so your toon gets it in their head that "hey, this isn't so bad. Hmm, sure am hungry..." So, the only way to satisfy this "hunger" is to kill a person, and get food off their corpse. Now I'm not suggesting cannibalism outright, however this does slow down "hill sniping" by making the player need to go down way more often in order to "harvest their hunt". This raises the skill floor and makes hunting other characters WAY more challenging. And isn't that what most bandits complain about in this game? Nothing to do once you kit up? Well now that you decided to kill people your gonna have to keep doing it. And if a person wants to stop with it they could, If they just cold turkey being a murderer till they get their humanity back up to what it'd need to be to be a normal survivor. And deal with possible side effects of starving themselves of hunting.
Wow I can't believe all the backlash you got for suggesting people be able to wear something other than a baseball cap. :o The perks like "Field Medic" and "Mechanic" are great "out of combat" skills. And the focus should be skills outside of combat, or keeping a person from avoiding combat, utility perks. Nothing should give another person an edge in the beginning, middle, or end of a PVP encounter. (Argue the med being OP because he can bandage faster or set bones, I don't think it'd make much of a difference with the guns being as powerful as they are)
Well it happened yesterday. Saw a guy at one of the airfields in a ghillie climbing a ladder on the air control tower. Well myself and the guy I was running with decided it was best to get under him and make contact instead of crouching outside of the tower and give him the advantage of use standing out there with no cover. We both run into the entrance and I speak over local. " You stay upstairs in the control tower, identify yourself." No awnser. "Holster your weapon up there and identify." Again no response. "I'm coming up holstered, try anything and we'll ***** blast you". As I scan the stairway I can see he's kneeling with his gun barrel pointed at the stairs, I'm under them at a wierd angle so I raise my weapon, take aim, and drop him. We looted the corpse and promptly left the field.
[DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!
Bulk replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Announcements & Info
I had to . . . *comparing a game where someone can on foot walk across the map in under 2 hours to eve where moving across an NPC controlled territory can take 4 when using one of the fastest ships in the game* -
M16/203 with LOADS OF FLARES to "eye rape" with any asshole that rocks NVG. G17 because it's got a flashlight, also for screwing with NVG users. And standard in the way of tools + AL palck
Since everyone's so bummhurt about Scoped rifles and suppressed weapons.
Bulk posted a topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
This is going to sound painfully obvious, and those who own sniper rifles are going to OBVIOUSLY cry about it. Rifles are just as common as they are now. Magazines for rifles will be, at best 1/4 capacity. .50 cal rifle mags will only have 1 round in them. You cannot shove more ammo into the mags. Why? Simple! Because this makes it a chore to own a sniper rifle now. In my group there are 2 people that have .50 cal rifles. And over 50 rounds each. Another has a DMR and regularly runs with around 100 rounds in that. Do they need to make sure every shot counts? NO, if they miss they have at least 50 rounds for follow up shots. Changing this will make sniping more of a conscious "yes, this is the best action, using my valuable ammo and also making one hell of a racket near me" decision rather than "lulz I'm proMLG faggors" As for suppressed weapons. To make them function as they do now you need a water bottle (to fill the baffles with water) and you get the fully suppressed effect. That bonus works ONLY for one magazine. After that you need refill the suppressor again with water, using a water-bottle or anywhere you can fill a water-bottle with. If the suppressor is fired while dry then the gun is only half as quiet as it would normally be. This makes them still viable, and valuable. But using them "full on f'ing silent" means committing to it. -
Since everyone's so bummhurt about Scoped rifles and suppressed weapons.
Bulk replied to Bulk's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Yes one shot mags. It makes .50s lest desirable unless they're being used for their intended purpose. Disabling vehicles. If someone's going to use a sniper rifle make them pay the price of low ammo capacity. Not only does it balance it out, but that's rather realistic. What are the chances going to be that you found a m107 and 3 mags full of ammo? No, really you'd probably find it with one full mag and 3-4 in the mag that's loaded into the gun. And as it sets with the ammo glitch (wow I'm a noob I just noticed this!) of re-spawning with full ammo. People would not be able to sit outside of the big traffic areas laying prone from 400+m furiously clicking their mouse and missing 8 times before finally winging a person and then disconnecting so they can top their mags off again. -
vehicle "hoarding", what the hell is it?
Bulk replied to Daddy'o (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I see and somewhat agree with both sides of the argument. Those that "hoard" have put time and effort into grabbing vehicles and probably repairing, and refueling them to the max. However, a group of 5 with more than three vehicles is rather dickish (IMHO you shouldn't be running around solo anyway in this game, especially in a large target like a vehicle). So how do we solve this? 1. All land vehicle spawns are randomized along all roads! You'll find "cars" along the paved roads, ATVs, Tractors, on unpaved roads.Trucks and military vehicles will be found along all roads (Military vehicles will be found at military installations as well). A bus will ALWAYS spawn in the larger cities when it spawns. Motorcycles will spawn everywhere, near roads of course. This will make them easier to find initially, and a randomized spawn location will help prevent farming of them, making finding them more luck of the draw and not who got on the server first. 2.Vehicles must have fuel in their tanks.If they don't have fuel in their tanks for more than 2 server resets they respawn. 3. Vehicles will leak fuel at a rate of 1/10th the fuel tanks capacity a day even if repaired. If someone jacks your ride and abandons it then it's eventually going to go back into the spawn pool. Also this encourages people to drive their vehicles/search for fuel and not store/hoard them 4. Fuel cannot be stored on the vehicle itself. So no grabbing a car and running around all over to fill the thing up with jerry cans. 5. Bicycles will spawn near the starting spawns at random. However if you dismount from them they will disappear. This is so they can be used more readily by people who have just respawned. However falling off a bicycle is likely to cause you to have a broken bone(that sound balanced?) What does this do for everyone? Well if a person(s) are just going to sit on their pile of cars suddenly they will have to scavenge more, mainly for fuel. This could push people to fight over it, much like people would in such a situation as DayZ presents. Adding another (late game) element of survival into the game. And another issue that could be addresed (hoarding vehicles to use for storage) on this is also coding in another tent or two in the game (once the first one gets fixed cause they're still buggy) a smaller one that is about as common as a upgraded backpack that stores as much as a Czech pack and a larger one that shares the spawn percentage with the coyote pack and has twice the storage capacity? -
Anyone that complains about it removing the immersion of the game is missing the point. It's extending the range of making contact with someone. Give it a 200-300m range. The in game voice works out to maybe 75 m? (I dunno, it's range is rather limited and it's quality is on par with AM talk radio so misunderstanding someone is rather easy.) Also this method of contact is a double edge sword. It's as a matter of fact going to make it easier to bait players into a kill zone if a person is a bandit. And I will continue to use the term bandit because half of them do loot your body. The other half are fuckstick trolls that have mommy's gold card.
Linking your character to your forum user to get total stats.
Bulk replied to RapturJesus's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
No no no no no NO NO NO For the love of everything NO! Do NOT do this! Why? Because that's only going to encourage player hunting, hacking, and ultimately will destroy this game. You want proof of this? http://bf3stats.com/ I'm sure is proof enough. Once you start logging stats, stats logging sites will begin to pop up. People will begin fighting over the coveted title of being number one by any means necessarily. Day Z does not need something that will encourage "competitive play" in it. As it sets now DayZ is a survival game, it does NOT need to have elements of the current crop of FPSs thrown into it making it a CawODewty bastard child by relationship of stat tracking. If people want stat tracking make it local server stat tracking much like HLXstats for source engine games. That way the issue if it becomes an issue can be contained to the servers that choose to support it.