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Everything posted by Glycerine

  1. Glycerine

    How will I know who is trustworthy?

    le call of duty xd
  2. Glycerine


    Just found a Grey UAZ sitting in a random field on my way out of camp. I was coming to get you but it looks like someone else took care of it. What happened?
  3. Glycerine


    I'll trade you a FN FAL with 4 mags for the ATV sir.
  4. Glycerine

    US 366 Chicago ALT-F4 tractor bitch

    Translation: "Come at me bro, your k/d is terrible, get on my level, 360noscopeflashbangthrowswag. I play real mens games like Cawwadooty." Since you feel like being a cocksucker however, US167 Texas, I'm sitting near the farmhouse outside of the NWAF walls.
  5. Glycerine

    US 366 Chicago ALT-F4 tractor bitch

    I know damn well you didn't rack up those 21 murders without alt f4ing yourself. And was killing someone over the worst vehicle in the game worth posting about? This guy!
  6. I'm sitting on 2 pickups, 1 ural,1 bike, 2 atvs, 1 old hatchback. it's all luck my friend. Just for the sake of getting this server more populated. PA 2, Solichiny, in the quarry there is a partially repaired V3S that I refuse to touch at the moment. play nice.
  7. Glycerine

    PA 2 Scripter

    Server: PA 2 - Full name shown in screenshots. Time: 10:40am est Report: Around 10:30am est or so me and a friend had just started heading back towards the NWAF after retrieving medical supplies from Berenzino. We were traveling via motorcycle. As we rounded one of the dirt roads just outside the airfield wall we came under heavy machine gun fire. Obviously, we got killed. We originally thought this was just a good ambush, seeing how close we were to a danger zone such as NWAF. We re-spawn in our respective areas and notice half of the cities are on fire and there are vehicles and items everywhere. Then we notice an individual named GioLeo teleporting to our locations and either, killing us, spawning a vehicle on us, or spawning in items. I created a little photo album of his adventures as he tormented me after my spawn at Elektro. He continued griefing players on the server, even losing connection and rejoining under the same name to continue. http://imgur.com/a/MLcAC#5
  8. Glycerine

    PA 2 Scripter

    I can confirm that he dropped from the game 1 time while I was still around. I left after about 10-15 minutes of his shenanigans. Usually they drop in, teleport everyone and nuke us then leave. He was a persistent one.
  9. Glycerine

    PA 2 Scripter

    I assume you have access to more than a chatlog, correct?
  10. Glycerine

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    Oh boy, Here we go. Can I go next? Europeans. Ha!
  11. Glycerine

    Hacker Srly ?

    BattleEye is a terrible anti-cheat client and has always allowed hackers to screw with ARMA II long before DayZ. True, DayZ has added a few loopholes and made hacking(see: scripting) slightly easier on that end, but using Alpha as an excuse for poor anti-cheat mechanics is a joke. Both parties are responsible for this issue and I hope to see it resolved. But based on Bohemia's track record, we'll see.
  12. Glycerine

    People can be friendly

    It is, but it is also a way to play that is different from mine. It makes my way of playing far more interesting. Without kill on sight players I wouldn't have people to save.
  13. Glycerine

    People can be friendly

    Shooting on sight is a way to play, I see no issue here. There are plenty of ways to avoid it as well, more so than the other types of players you run into.
  14. Glycerine

    People can be friendly

    "People who play the game differently than I do are douchebags.". I play friendly and I think you sound like a tool for saying that.
  15. Glycerine

    Another one bites the dust.

    Well played gentlemen. How long had this guy known you prior to him showing you his entire camp site and vehicle setup? If he did so within mere minutes, he deserved this. He took a chance and trusted some random people, shit happens. This is how you bandit.
  16. Glycerine

    40% Off Arma 2 Co

    Reviving the community with mindless morons who want to "le xd so random kill on sight beans yogscast he hehe trehehehe" and only play for the mod....Yeah, thank god the community is back.
  17. Glycerine

    40% Off Arma 2 Co

    Great, more yogscast kids. I can't wait.
  18. Glycerine

    what exactly is end game in dayz?

    So he is as small minded as the call of duty audience that has flooded this mod since its inception. Good to know. The game doesn't need an end, it needs more features and things to explore/do. not necessary something story driven or endgame oriented just more of anything.. And stop using "metagame" you obviously don't understand its meaning.
  19. Holy fuck, you may have severe brain damage. OPs post was ridiculous, but yours is the pinnacle of stupidity.
  20. My group just found this weapon in a set of 4 tents on a Chicago server. It had no ammo readily available, but we aren't even sure we should be looking for it. Is this a legit weapon in DayZ or was it scripted in?
  21. Protip: Not everyone has the steam version of Arma II: CO. This does work for that however. Protip: Anyone can run the game via Steam to get the steam overlay. This does work for everyone. :sleepy: Protip: I've had so many issues with simply adding many games to steam to access the overlay, chances are, this does not work for everyone.
  22. Protip: Not everyone has the steam version of Arma II: CO. This does work for that however.
  23. Glycerine

    Dallas 42 - CrackersReborn Exploiting

    Feel free to come verify this. Go within 400m of the Elektro Firestation. Enjoy. He'll call out your position in chat and all sorts of other nonsense as you approach, insisting that he is sitting in the treeline with a van. I've been killed now multiple times on the ladder outside of the building with the gunshot sound coming from directly inside the wall in front of me. I've run inside with zombies following me only to have them all get gunned downed by magic .45 fire from nowhere followed by death. Script Kiddies Ahoy
  24. Glycerine

    Social incentives needed

    The rest of your post says otherwise. We needed another thread about this too, no really, we did.