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Everything posted by badjoe

  1. Hello I have returned to DayZ after being away for a year. So I'm wondering if someone could give me a quick update of major changes in the last year? I will read the changelogs now, but it will be a long read I suspect.
  2. badjoe

    Returning after a year.

    Great, thanks for replying.
  3. Yeah i see banditry as the way bloodthirsty players fresh from CoD play the game. Day Z is a game about survival, but since it has gotten so popular it has brought a lot of impatient players that shoot anyone on sight. So i try to help people if feel i can trust them. But if there is a guy that is following me even though im repeteadly telling him to stop it i will probably fire a warning shot, or if he shoots first i will shoot back, too bad the game can't recognize self defence unless you actually are hit.
  4. badjoe

    Heroes few and far between?

    I would be a hero but im afraid that unless i have a crew i won't be able to help many because i have too much good gear, i would be an easy target so eventually a bandit or some other prick will get me.
  5. badjoe

    Respawn at the beach and gear loss

    This happened to me yesterday, i was at the airfield at night and had that weird graphical glitch happen to me. Found some good gear(2xNVG's, Coyote pack, and MK 48 MG) a few minutes later i get shot at and decide to run into one of the hangars and take the cowards way out, and log out (since i can't in any way fight back). I join another server, run into the woods to log out for a break, try rejoining later and get stuck in the "Setup completed please wait" state. So i decided to try and join some other servers with no success. Then i found out that you could join DE 187 i think it was, and it fixed it but i was back at the beach with nothing, so i thought it was just a small glitch i go to bed. The next day i joined one of my usual servers and i have nothing except my stats, not even a backpack or flashlight. I woulkd have been ok with it if i were killed by a zombie or player, but it makes me mad because it is so unfair that a glitch can undo all my hard work. They really need to prioritize fixing this, because it does not even seem uncommon. Please fix this guys.
  6. I haven't killed anyone yet, but i also have only played for a week or so. But if i would kill someone it would be either in self defence or because of fear, like if he is following me and im telling him to stay away and he knows i carry good stuff.
  7. badjoe

    Weapon Preferences

    Sula, you need to "reload" the hatchet to be able to use it.
  8. Hey, Im also looking for mature people to play with that i can trust, im 22 and from Sweden, so there shouldn't be any problems connecting to a UK server for me. Steam :badjoe7 Skype: badjoe117 (Im still waiting for my headset so it will probably be a week until i can speak on there) Youtube: Badjoe117(just a couple of DayZ test clips and some mixed stuff)