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Everything posted by Zidious

  1. Came across a camp today, looked all neat and shiny with barbwire, sandbags, tents, v3s, uaz, pickup, heli. the whole nine yards. The first tent i check had several thermal as50's loads of normal as50's, next tent had loads of l85 thermals, so pretty obvious this belonged to hackers. So i decided to steal the chopper, move that to oposide side of map, found myself transport back to the camp to steal their cars, but when i get there i hear a chopper inbound again, so me and my friend both grabbed an as50-thermal each, and start putting rounds into the chopper, i think i must have put 30 rounds into it, and my friend hit it atleast 20 times, but no sucess, no smoke, no fire, no brimstone. 10-15 seconds later, we both get blasted by the chopper. It seems everytime i repair a chopper with my squad we get downed by 2-5 as50 rounds, and most times I encounter choppers they never go down no matter the amount of rounds we put into them.. sigh.. I have to admit tho, it was fun to mess about in the first chopper we stole from that camp xD
  2. This shit is getting out of hand, every other server me and my squad play on with a higher population of 10 get hit by hackers or plagued by hackers, the tunderdomes, mass killings, mass teleport, them running around with the thermal as-50, being hit by endless amounts of choppers that wont go down, imortal hackers that teleport to you and break your legs and throw you into the ocean. How are us legit players supposed to deal with this shit ? and it would not seem like anything is being done to fix it. past week or so has been so bad between glitches, hackers, and stuff that the game is at the point of being unplayable. something has to be done to fix this before people give up on the game because it is an awesome game and i wish it to remain exciting, challenging, and not to mention alive, witch it wont be for very long if this shit continues... and the excuse of only playing on low-pop servers as a fix is not very good, if that is the case you might aswell reduce the server pop limit to 10 people... my 2 cents
  3. I have lost probably 7-8 guns to that this week, its sporadic and not at every logg-off/logg-in, and ive been trying to throw away some sd stanag mags for around 3-4 days but they haunt me at every logg-inn.. squad mates have been having similar bugs, including the logg-inn with out gear for no apparent reason