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About SiGouin

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Quebec, Canada
  • Interests
  1. i play on US69 DAYZMAXED and people are always friendly to me. Iv been given cars and helicopters there before :o
  2. SiGouin

    Different zombie running speeds

    would be cool
  3. SiGouin

    Different zombie running speeds

    i figure since now zombies will always be spawned, it will be harder to locate other players, but forcing them to shoot zombies rather then just outrun them, will put a good twist on the game.
  4. It would be nice to see that not ALL zombies run at the same speed, some can walk, some jog, some run and a rare few sprint. This would create different levels of threats, forcing you to assess the situation and handling the faster ones, and/or outrunning the slower ones (This way players CANNOT run around a town looking for loot without ever running the risk of being attacked by zombies since players simply ALWAYS outrun zeds - this needs to change) -Walker: They stand around mostly and stumble around, slowly moving towards players (not much of a threat) -Joggers: They move a bit faster then walkers, forcing players to move (Still not a very big threat, but must be considered) -Runners: They move at the same speed a player will move, so as long as the player keeps running, the zed will never catch up, but when faced by a large number of zombies, these zeds must be handled first (Threatening players to either shoot or run) -Sprinters: They will outrun players, they are fast and cause fear, you must kill it to survive (High threat level) ******FOR NEW SPAWNS****** Since new spawns will not have any weapons, it would be best to keep the sprinting zombies higher north, so that it is not too cheap for unarmed players.
  5. SiGouin

    how to install

    alright ill look it up, thank you for reading
  6. Im using 6 updater/6 launcher and it will not auto update to, it has been able to auto update in the past, and i cannot find any ENGLISH videos on youtube explaining how to do this. Can anyone help me please?
  7. SiGouin

    Hacker with a conscience

    i'd like to meet up with you now and see if you have a ghillie, coyote, night vision, range finder and an atv... lol I got hacked so many times and lost all my stuff, until i found a bunch of gear, looked stranged, could have been a hacker, but i didnt care, it somewhat made up for all the time i lost gethering loot just to lose it to the hands of a hacker... Once something like this happens to you a few times, you will see what i mean, and only hypocrites are gonna rage at me for being honest. cheers.
  8. SiGouin

    New map?

    any reason why its frowned upon? and not encouraged to expand the game a bit more?
  9. SiGouin

    backpack idea that would be cool

    good idea, but every player you will see thats holding a pack, will disconnect the moment they hear a gun shot. or switch server to a very low populated one, run to his friend, then reconnect in the original server with peace of mind. Once again, its a good idea, but until the disconnect problems are fixed, i dont think it will be implemented.
  10. SiGouin

    New map?

    Anyone have any information on the new DayZ map; Lingor island? Is it an official map for dayz? is it forbidden to play for any reason? if so, why? and why is it not being promoted in and around the DayZ community? Personnaly i think chernarus is too big, too much running involved, and high populated server have increased numbers of hackers. I heard Lingor island is smaller than chernarus, and i would really like to try it out. Comments anyone?
  11. i used one once, killed myself with it. my buddy tried throwing a few of them, never hit theyre targets, just go too damn far, have no idea where youre throwing it
  12. SiGouin

    QQ topic...seriously.

    yep, thats pretty much what half the people do in this game...
  13. SiGouin

    The nerfed pistols

    The exact same thing happened to me, a full clip of 1911 in a player standing still looting a body in cherno. My only conclusion was that shooting into his pack did not make contact with his body, can anyone confirm this? Can a pack stop pistol rounds?
  14. SiGouin

    Food n water too easy?

    i If you were actualy in the game, i dont think you would be a fatty after running hundreds of kilometers from town to town. Theres 355mL in a can of soda, the average grown human is reccomended to drink : "In the US, the reference daily intake (RDI) for water is 3.7 litres per day (L/day) for human males older than 18, and 2.7 L/day for human females older than 18[7] including water contained in food, beverages, and drinking water." source taken from: http://en.wikipedia..../Drinking_water So i dont think a couple pepsi's is going to do the drink if your entire day is filled with running from place to place.
  15. happened to me with my mouse, just shut off all of a sudden, restarted the cpu and it worked, then ingame it stopped working again. So i got an old mouse, plugged it in and it worked. cpu's suck sometimes for random shit like this...yet we love them...or do we...? yes we do. sometimes.