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About skruface

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    Backwoods of Canada
  1. skruface

    how to get geared up in an hour?

    I usually avoid heading straight into Cherno and loop around to the NW, between Cherno and Balota. I approach Cherno coming downhill from the woods NW of town. I make my way through the 5 apartment blocks 25m southwest of the NW hospital in Cherno - usually by then I have food, a weapon, and some essentials (backpack, knife, map, military flashlight, binos, matches, etc). I've even found tents in there a coupe of times. Finishing the apartments, I book it across the street to the NW hospital to pick up med supplies, and then I head to the small industrial buildings about 100m northeast of the hospital inside the walled compound. There's usually a fair bit of ammo and more essentials in there. After that, I'm usually set up pretty good. Then I bug out and head to one of the castles (Rog or Zub) - not too many zombies, usually lots of essentials and ammo, usually not too many people because they're in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes you can find bases set up here. From there I wander around in the north until an invisible hacker shoots me from across the map, or I'm thunderdomed.
  2. skruface

    Battleye Script Restriction #41

    Same problem here. Can't play, so can't interact with my tent. Probably gonna lose all my shit. Feelsbadman.jpg
  3. skruface

    LATINOAMERICA - Info and Discussion

    Well, then. Since you rebooted your server and switched it to Veteran before you unlocked it, all my stuff including the tent disappeared. Thanks anyway. :/
  4. skruface

    LATINOAMERICA - Info and Discussion

    Hello there. Was playing on your server (US 1344) @ 5:50 CST and was kicked, and the server was locked when I tried to reconnect. Do you have a plan to unlock it? I have a tent and a lot of gear I would like to retrieve if you plan to keep it locked.
  5. skruface

    Hacker on US1557

    LOL he's still there. Also, Alt + F4 gets you instalkilled, apparently.
  6. skruface

    Hacker on US1557

    Apparently "Dad" also hacked on this server: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/54269-us-382-mass-teleport-server-logs/
  7. Hey! That same guy "Dad" was on another server I was on that got hacked: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/54113-hacker-on-us1557/
  8. skruface

    Hacker on US1557

    A list of all the usernames on the server, if that helps. Ryker wheelspk Yoshua Dad Poptart3009 ROG jamie Simon Perfetti Ignore Adam @lfred ThatDamnCanadian Mazurka VOLTRON Gabloko palanakonu Jake Tim Ionwolf BadBoyZ Peter Jorge Steyon Urnies Stojevaltz Rawtos Josh Piderm3n Jason Hugo Action Dick Jackson Crusher2 (me) Bam3n Sipps Dave Bill Bb Jezus Jasons Ghost
  9. skruface

    Hacker on US1557

    When you respawn, there's a message saying guns spawn int he crates and the U1H1 spawns every 5 minutes. Also, it directs you to www.thisXXXXXXX.net. Edit to remove server name.
  10. skruface

    Hacker on US1557

    Oh wait. now he teleported us all into some base he calls "thunderdome" and is spawning crates of weapons unavailable in the DayZ mod and telling us to kill eachother or he will continue to kill us. Great. How can I screencap this bullshit?
  11. Got killed by a guy who picked up everyone and dropped them to their deaths @ 2:39 pm CST. Dunno how to figure out who it was?
  12. skruface

    Hacker on US344

    I will second this. Just killed by him on that server after 5 hours of gameplay and finally getting some decent gear. What a wasted morning. :/ I'd not be frustrated if i was killed by zombie or another player, I'd be a little pissed if I was killed by the ridiculous environment sim, but this pisses me off because it's not like he was looting all our bodies. He just killed the entire server population for no reason other than getting his rocks off.
  13. skruface

    Is everyone in DayZ like this?

    I gotta say, I met a guy named "Wood" on a US server the other day, and he helped me out. I had nothing, and he gave me a Makarov, some ammo, and a knife, plus a can of Pepsi and a can of pasta. If I ever see Wood again, I'll shake his hand and not shoot him in the face. That's the way I play, and in 5 days/40 hours of playing, I've yet to kill another player. I guess most people who play this game are just paranoid, sociopathic douchenuggets.
  14. skruface

    Why do regular/recruit servers exist?

    Oh man, where to even begin....I'm not being facetious or trolling; I'm gonna lay out the truth as I see it, because deep down inside, I *want* to like this game and enjoy playing it, but I'm having a hard time accepting that people call it "realistic", because that's pretty far from the truth for something that's supposed to be a "survival/sandbox" game. Whaddya mean I have to have a canteen to get a drink of water? Why can't I drink directly from the stream/lake/well? Why can't I fill one of the hundreds of empty whiskey bottles or jerry cans with water? Whaddya mean I'm gonna dehydrate and die if I walk 3 or 4 kilometers? Normal people can go up to 3 days in a temperate environment before beginning to dehydrate. It's not like we're in the middle of the Sahara here.... Whaddya mean I can't use the gas in the aforementioned jerry can and the whiskey bottle to make a molotov cocktail? Rather than trying to assault a building that a bunch of dicks are camping in it, why can't I just burn them out? Whaddya mean I can actually kill a guy by throwing a tin can at him? What, do I have a 600mph fastball? Whaddya mean I can't use all these useless shotgun shells to make a fire? Whaddya mean I can skin a deer with this combat knife, but i can't kill a person or zombie with it? Whaddya mean I can't bust down a door or window with this crowbar? Whaddya mean I can walk less than 5km before I starve to death? (Yeah, that's right, I starved to death on a 4.5~ km walk from spawn at Electro walking to Staroye, because I didn't find food at the halfway point, Topolka Dam). It takes approximately 3 weeks for an "average" human being to starve to death with a total lack of food. Most can pull off 4-5 weeks by eating scavenged food (berries, grasses and root vegetables, found fruits and veggies, etc). I mean seriously, there are tons of abandoned farms in the game, but I can't find a single handful of carrots or a couple of beets? Whaddya mean no one can find a raincoat or poncho in this entire country to keep from getting hypothermia when it rains? Why can't I make one out of my tent? Or the fabric roof of any of the millions of abandoned jeeps I see everyhere? Hell, the Germans were doing that 100 years ago in WWi.....it's called a Zeltbahn if you have no idea what I'm talking about :/ Whaddya mean gravity affects bullet drop and must be compensated for, but other environmental factors (windage, elevation, rain) don't? Why does only one environmental factor need to be accounted for, but not the others? Whaddya mean my guns never jam or break, despite, the fact I spend all day crawling in the dirt but can't find a cleaning kit to save my life? Whaddya mean my flashlight, gps, nvg's and other electronics don't ever seem to run out of batteries? Whaddya mean when I'm crawling through a doorway and try and close the door, and realize that one of my legs is still across the threshhold, that I don't bother to stop closing the door; I just slam it shut and break my leg? Seriously, how stupid IS this survivor? That's just off the top of my head. This game is NOT realistic in many, many ways, particularly from a human survival standpoint. That should be a pretty important factor when you're making a survival game. Only the fanboys see it as realistic; people who have lived in the bush see it as a pretty good try, but still flawed in many aspects. As a former infantry soldier who's spent a ton of time in the bush, have gone through survival school (temperate/desert/mountain), and has acted as a professional hunting and fishing guide for half a decade, I think I have a pretty good handle on what's realistic and what's not. This game isn't realistic; not by a longshot.
  15. skruface

    are bolts 3-time-use only?

    I can confirm that you have to point at the bolt itself, not the body, to take it back.