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    On the Coast

    [Video] Day Z - The Road Warrior

    http://youtu.be/H7aOQ2iHfBs "The Road Warrior is on his way to Elektrozavodsk where he encounters many zombies who starts to attack him. He decides to turn the tide and get revenge on them but almost making the mistake by killing a survivor. Is the Road Warrior able to save one of the last humans?" - Scrapped the original sounds and edited new ones in the video. I had a hatchback and decided to be the Road Warrior (Mad Max) for just one time. I hope you like this montage, I put some extra work in it.

    Fun at the fire station!

    Nice video! I liked how you got Spyder! Did you know he had a crossbow when you ran up the hill? I mean, if he had a better rifle he would have killed you too.

    Hacker Caught On Live Stream

    He was a hacker....ghillie suit, great sniper rifle and suddenly appearing out of nowhere. The OP message says it all, you hear only 2 steps. If he really did came up with the ladder and walked up there, you would have heard it. I do agree ur aiming was bit off, Knox....but i understand you panicked. You were already bit in terror because he might pop up next to you....so that made you more edgy and so easier to panic i guess. And yea, a guy in ghillie suit and big sniper rifle is scary. Ah well, all in all it was really too bad you died this way.

    We Shoot Without Warning

    Whats with all the people complaining? I think it was a nice vid! He made some nice kills there. Some of them with shotgun and people on far distance. And so what if he shoots people in the back? I would do the same. He just happens to be in the right place at the right time. In Elektro, you cant make much friends. I tried befriending some people before but I also got shot.

    Day Z Videos

    Made a small montage video of my first few kills of humans. Nothing too spectacular but there's 4 kills to be seen in 5 minutes. You can watch it in HD so you can see the first hunt perfectly (following a guy in the distance, quite hard to see in low quality). http://youtu.be/vIiJONl4rzo

    Drink and food icon

    Thx for the replies, guys! Good to know when it comes that far! :)

    Drink and food icon

    Hi all, If your drink or food icon turns red....when will it be at its worst? I mean, my drink icon was once deep red but i could still go on for a while. Will you lose blood if it stays in the red? Or does something else happen?