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Posts posted by jeshendley@yahoo.com

  1. Age (Be Honest): 21

    In Game Name: Jesse

    Country/Timezone: US east

    Are You Active?: very

    Experience In Dayz: about a full month of playing time, I am about as geared as I can possibly get at the moment.

    Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes I've played the overwatch/sniper role in a 4 man group before this.

  2. 1. What is your age?


    2. Favorite Wep in game? (ex: AKM,M1014,DNR)


    3. Prefered roll to play on the team such as CQC, sniper, spotter exc?


    4. Why should we chose you over others?

    Chill, mature dude who just wants a serious group of guys to party with in chernarus

    5. What is your current wep?


    skype name is "Jesse Hendley"

  3. -How old are you?


    -Do you like to follow orders or give them?

    either, doesnt matter to me

    -Sniper, Recon, Assault, Support, Medic or Other (Please state)?


    -Time zone?

    US east

    -What are you best at? (Scavenging, Killing, Etc...)


    -Can you record?

    yes, i have a twitch account and plenty good enough comp

    -Do you have a mic?


    -Is it a good mic?

    very good

    Great! Final question:

    -Why do you want to join Mayhem Inc.?

    to have some cool guys to team up alongside in chernarus of course
