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Necris (DayZ)

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About Necris (DayZ)

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  1. Necris (DayZ)

    Server files?

    same here :) hosted a server for the mod and I want to host one for SA :)
  2. Necris (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Any ETA on that Fuel-Reset-Server Fix?
  3. Necris (DayZ)

    Hive down??

    WTB Hive Status Page! :) Or any other method to monitor Hive availability!
  4. I just reverted back to on DE939 <_<
  5. Some official comment would be appreciated! is out for "some" days and the tents/vehicles-not-saving-bug renders DayZ unplayable for people with camps / tents / etc. (why should I play when I can't store the crap I find) Even a "we know about that and are working on it" or "we don't give a fuck, because it will get fixed in $Nextupdate" would be nice. ANY piece of information would be nice. Don't let your information-policy become "Blizzard-Like" IF this info already exists... please provide the link :)
  6. Thinking about the same atm if there is no vehicle/tent fix soon. It's useless to play if you can't store your found stuff. I've read/heard from some ppl that it works... but can't confirm it for sure
  7. /bump Got the same problem on DE939 Any official statement? Or date for a fix/patch?
  8. Necris (DayZ)


    cant help you, but im looking for the same solution
  9. Necris (DayZ)

    Thunderdome highjacking tonight

    i'm the admin of DE939 and was on the server too as this happened. i restartet the server directly and did some maintenance. i am investigating the logfiles right atm... any clue what to look for to ban those idiots?
  10. Necris (DayZ)

    Planning to Host in Small Business Server 2011

    Depends on the power of the machine and your internet connection. How many useres are using the SBS? Mailbox size of the ExchangeServer / Sharepoint is also relevant. Got some good HDDs in this machine? You should have >=2 GB (free) Ram you can spare and a good CPU (up2date Xeon) for a 40-50 slot server. And beware of your server time! Normally ArmA/DayZ uses your servertime as ingame time. !!!DON'T CHANGE YOUR LOCAL SYSTEM TIME!!! Active Directory esp. Kerberos Tickets don't like time changes! :)
  11. Necris (DayZ)

    Setting Server Difficulty for Dummies

    @MessHall Always check the server by joining and testing of 3rd persond oder crosshair was on @deathcobra Thanks - seems like this did the trick :)
  12. Ok... I tried ALOT! Can some please tell me how to set the server difficulty to "expert"? Things I did: Edited the server.cfg difficulty = "expert"; Changes I do in the cfg-file apply and the server uses the file (cahnged name/player slots to verify) I played arround with ArmA2OAProfile located in: cfgdayz\Users\DE123\DE123.ArmA2OAProfile but changes wont apply. Server always boots up with "Regular" difficulty. Startup Command: Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe -mod=EXPANSION\beta;EXPANSION\beta\Expansion;EXPANSION;ca;@dayz;@hive -ip= -port=2302 -profiles=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server_bdx.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\arma2.cfg -name=DE123 -world=Chernarus -cpuCount=1 -exThreads=1 -noSound Could some please help me?
  13. Necris (DayZ)

    Hosting DayZ Server - Files?

    I got the same "problem". so is it really the best way to install steam on your server and download arma2:oa? (dont want to upload my client files... would tage ages ;)) if so... do you have to stay logged into steam if you want to host a dedicated server? I found some arma2 standalone server downloads, but none was directly from BI nor included OA would be great if someone could provide some info if the server works with steam or if there is a separate download. greetz Necris Edit: Read through http://dayzmod.com/f...re/page__st__20 Steam should work... I'll give it a try :) Edit2: Installed Steam on Server. Downloaded ARMA2 and ARMA2:OA Installed DayZ Server as provided by the email. -> Server works fine