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Gangar The Unruly

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Everything posted by Gangar The Unruly

  1. Gangar The Unruly

    NYC 6 do not want.

    post link!
  2. Gangar The Unruly

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    Congrats! Sadly my FPS is still down :( Laggy very badly.
  3. Gangar The Unruly

    Build Hotfix

    I spent all morning trying to find a decent game that didnt lag, looking forward to play again when the drop of FPS has been squared!
  4. Gangar The Unruly

    Whats up with this lag?

    Everything was running fine last night, i just hopped on the game is laggy AS HELL. Some rooms aren't but any reason why it's laggy?
  5. Gangar The Unruly

    n00b help

    So i got arma 2 off a buddy's green capsule shit and i just downloaded Arma 2 : Operation Arrowhead off of amazon. I am updating to the 1.6 version. Does this update combine both games into combined operation? If not how do i do so? Completely lost as far as what im supposed to do. Can anyone guide me here, id greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
  6. Gangar The Unruly

    n00b help

    k so i updated it to 1.6 version and it still doesn't work i did everything step by step and when i go to add "-mod=@dayz" into the target line it says this path is not available. Not sure what im supposed to do now.
  7. Gangar The Unruly

    n00b help

    Wow lol completely did not see that ill look over it right now and see how it goes, thanks a million!