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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. So anytime I try to move my character forward backward left right any direction my game will freeze to unfreeze it i either have to stop trying to move or hold down a direction and tap any other direction but then I can move but once I try to use any other movement key with me still holding down the other it will freeze or I hold alt and it freezes and if I let go of my w key or watever and try to move again it just freezes the same way. Been running arma 2 with normal to low settings for about 1 month never had this problem before today.... any fix couldn't find any forum posts on this.
  2. So apparently my newest driver screwed everything up so I reverted to an older one everything running good again.
  3. there are a few settings you can also disable or lower to make a significant boost I think they are aotcc and ppoa or something like that.
  4. I end up just looking for bicycles I can find them a lot easier then anything else : )
  5. Generally unless I am bored and go to NWAF i have alice pack with any food and water I find plus random stuff maybe a camping tent or smoke grenades. Inventory usually have AKM with 3 or 4 mags some food and water and smoke or frag nade. Secondary usually only 2 bandages and 6 mags.
  6. patrickisparriott@gmail.com

    Weapon Help

    I feel like it depends on the Sight really I prefer M16A2 but if you want the little extra green dot sight stick with the ak74 a lot easier to find ammo for that one also X D. Edit: Here is a little chart to help you out http://i.imgur.com/BuY29.jpg
  7. First off thx rocket for all the hard work you put into this mod second I think you meant tuesday july 31st not the 24th hehe.
  8. First off thx rocket for all the hard work you put into this mod second I think you meant tuesday july 31st not the 24th hehe. Edit: sorry for double post using different internet then usual.