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About ImmortalWarrior

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    On the Coast
  1. ImmortalWarrior

    Can't open tent

    This is such a pain in the knob. I have several well hidden tents and I cannot access one of them now. After a week of resets it seems to have been pushed back into the tree. There must be a better way to access tents.
  2. ImmortalWarrior

    Pl 3 server admin abuse

    Not much you can do bro. Some people aren't good enough to do it the hard way, they want the quick, easy, and safe way to get all the gear they need to go on killing sprees in Cherno.
  3. I haven't had any obvious cases of hacking but I have had the old server hop problem. Playing on my standard server, night time comes, everyone starts logging off because they don't want to play at night. Perfect chance to go raid the large airfield. Silenced weapons, careful to use only chem lights for what little lighting I need (usually stumble about in the dark and run into buildings to deal with zombies), enter the hangars/firehouse/barracks and some ass clown server hoping for gear jumps in just behind you in a corner and caps you. Bam, totally lame and not much you can do about it when it happens. The only time I knew something was fishy was the server admin on US 221. When I was less equipped to deal with night I would go to this server from my normal one at night and play there for a few hours instead. Well, one there happened to only be about 6 or 7 players. Noticed the player count was going down until it was just myself and my brother. We raided Vybor with silenced MP5's and barely made any noise, then went over to the bridge to the south to refill canteens and get ready to move on to the next town. Suddenly, I hear zombie screaming getting louder and louder and louder. Server admin comes screaming down into the valley behind the bridge we are under driving a truck using direct comm to blare this obnoxious screaming noise. Like someone being burned alive, funny, but annoying. My question on that was how the hell did he know we were under the bridge. Do admins have the ability to see the coordinates of players? And was he systematically finding the players on his server and killing them one by one until they all logged out (which would totally explain how the player count dropped to just us and him over the course of an hour)?